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hailstone/salt & pepper

I know I have read about puppies acquiring white hairs along the back and there was a picture I remember? I just can't remember where. I found the photo of hailstone labs in MRWs book. Has anyoen have experience with the salt and pepper occuring in chocolates? Also, since it appeared late, does it go away on the next coat shed? TIA!

Re: hailstone/salt & pepper

What do you feed?

It is usually a lack of zinc.

Re: hailstone/salt & pepper

I responded under the other tiny white hair post................have had this experience.

Re: hailstone/salt & pepper

I have had this in one litter of chocolates. Since I never saw it before or since, I have to guess it is genetic. The pups started getting a white hair here and there on the back at about 4-5 months. It got progressively worse until the puppy coat changed. Never happened to them again as adults. If I hand stripped the area, the white hairs would pull out. They were longer than the others and appeared to be "old" hairs that had lost their color, but had not fallen out. Good roots!