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Two weeks ago, Tickle has 3 tiny growths removed. We would never have noticed them, but they were bleeding. We also found enlarged lymph glands and another mass back in the inguinal area that were not addressed because of concerns about the bleeding. We had bleeding problems the day after the surgery but they were resolved and soon the incisions looked good. She has been on antibiotics and vitamin K. The biopsy indicated benign skin hemangiomas, which are usually caused by sun bathing. Tickle is the only black, sun bathing dog I have ever known.

When the stitches were removed, the bleeding started up again. My vet ran more tests & referred us to Red Bank VH where she had an ultrasound this morning. All internal organs look OK but they did observe excess fluid in her abdomen. It is now necessary to address the mass.

Because of the bleeding, the mass cannot be biopsied or operated on without IV plasma. They were ready to give plasma today – it is $1000 a pop. However they would not be able to do the other procedures before Monday. I declined the plasma, as it would probably have to be repeated on Monday. While Tickle is clearly not well, she has been doing OK since the bleeding growths were first observed. The vets seem pretty much in the dark. They ran her case past their oncologist and he said the symptoms were not consistent with cancer, but it could not be excluded.

This afternoon, my regular vet got the remainder of the test results and Tickle's clotting factors are off the chart. She wants me to bring Tickle in tomorrow AM for the plasma transfusion, rather than wait until Monday.

I hope someone will have some experience with this sort of thing. Email me privately or reply on the forum. TIA

Re: Bleeding

Has she ever had any surgical procedures done before? Did she have her clotting factors tested before, and were they normal? And, how old is she?

Re: Re: Bleeding

She is 11 and was spayed when she was 7. Her clotting factors were off before the surgery, which is why only the 3 tiny growths were removed & biopsied. The hope was to get the clotting problem resolved so the other mass could be taken care of.

Re: Bleeding

How is she feeling otherwise? What's the prognosis for her length and quality of life? If she's got clotting problems, the plasma will only help temporarily, right? Aren't there medications that can be given to help clotting? This is such a dilemma with an 11 year old. I don't envy you the decisions at all. Just keep in mind that it's all about her, and how she is and will feel. I'm hoping that whatever you decide it will work...

Re: Re: Bleeding

Any chance she got into any rat poison? Which clotting factors were out of range? There are many of them.