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Who puts out a show calendar

Looking for a show calendar.That includes AB & Specialites. Where can I find one.?
Does the gazette have one.? I know they put out the Events catalog monthly. But wanted something more then that. A nice calendar would be nice.

Re: Who puts out a show calendar

I have wondered the same but never found one.
I just rely on Infodog...

Re: Re: Who puts out a show calendar

I saw a friend who had one just like a regular monthly calendar.Looked like it was sponsered through Iams.But it's been several years ago.And she can't remember where she got that.

It was really nice.So I know there out, there Just got to find them.!!!

Re: Who puts out a show calendar

I believe that Eukanuba puts out a show calendar. Living in VA we get it through the VA Federation of Dog Clubs & Breeders but I am sure you can get one too!!
Here is the web link

Re: Re: Who puts out a show calendar

That's the one I'm looking for.The exact one.
Thanks so much. I will order one. I take it It contains. 07 and 08 shows right?. Or should I wait to order closer to 08?

Re: Who puts out a show calendar

Why don't you.check with Euk.?

Re: Who puts out a show calendar

Morse...I went on the Eukanuba website and as a preferred registered breeder did every search combination of words that I could think of. I checked all the links. But, I am only so computer savy so it probably was not a perfect search. If someone wants to check Eukanuba directly I would suggest calling them.

Re: Re: Who puts out a show calendar

You can usually pick up the Eukanuba calendars at the shows that they sponsor.

Re: Who puts out a show calendar

Diane - It is a 15 month calendar that starts in October and runs thru to December of the following year. So yes, ordering now will get you what you want!!

Re: Re: Who puts out a show calendar

Great thanks. It's the same calendar as a friend of mine with another breed. I will order one.