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worming reaction in young puppies

my lab friend told me about this forum...
i have a litter of rotties. vet recommended to worm at 2 weeks. i did-used NemexII, and 3 days later-my puppies started to fall apart. by day 5 the littlist one first-started with diarreah, became VERY lethargic-ended up at vet with sub-q feedings with lacted ringer-he stayed at the vet for the day. that night, another next smallest female-same-dirreah, lethargic... i got the lactated ringer-sub-q'ed her myself-next morning she is (seems to be) fine-HUNGRY. ate from the bottle-would not nurse. now 6 hours later-her abdomin feels a little stiff, and she keeps sneezing "cottage cheese looking digested milk from her nose. the other puppies are now loose, and not too active. what happened??? was it the worming, or somethimg else?

Re: worming reaction in young puppies

I do not think this is something the forum can help you with. This sounds like the entire litter needs to go to the Vet ASAP.

Re: worming reaction in young puppies

Agree. I would have already had them at the vet!!

Re: worming reaction in young puppies

I agree. Have a vet check them. I have used Nemex II for 9 litters, at 2, 4 and 6 weeks, and have never had any reaction at all. Good luck! Let us know how they do!

Re: worming reaction in young puppies

I agree it sounds like they need a vet.

We had some loose stools after each worming with this litter and I gave them all Bene-Bac (it's like yogurt cultures) and everything was back to normal by the next day.


Re: Re: worming reaction in young puppies

While you are waiting for the vet you might want to Warm those puppies up. The sneezing reminds me of a friends puppies who had Herpes. Did the Mother have a Herpes Titer before she was bred. Warming them up won't hurt and it could mean a big difference in survival.
I think I remember they have to be above 90* closer to 100*.