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Heartworm prevention

Just looking for a survey on what everyone out there uses, and likes? Cost? Effectiveness? We currently use Interceptor year-round......Some of our friends are using : Tri-Heart Plus ? We have never heard of it before. Anyone use it with success?

Re: Heartworm prevention

Ivermectin - 1% - get it from a feed store or online catalog. Then we'll have the long discussions about how much to give, but a small bottle that costs $30-$40 will last you a year with many dogs.

Re: Heartworm prevention

INTERCEPTOR prevents heartworm disease, while it protects your dog or cat against roundworms, hookworms (A. Caninum) and whipworms. Does Ivermectin prevent these as well? Price is much better than Interceptor.....

Re: Heartworm prevention

Interceptor here year round for all it covers as my Labs eat rabbit, deer poop, etc. when ever they get the chance.

Re: Heartworm prevention

who's got the best price on 12 packs of Interceptor? We hate paying so much, but like how it works. Between that stuff and the Frontline Plus.....and the dog food!!!!! Yow!!!! Holy Cow!!!! Gotta love the dogs though.

Re: Re: Heartworm prevention

The dosage for heartworm prevention in Ivomec is not sufficient for whips.

Re: Heartworm prevention

I use Ivermectin also. With 9 dogs it saves me gobs of money. I also use diatomaceous earth once a month for worms (works on tapes they say.) I got it from Nature's Farmacy. Again, a lot less than tapeworm meds.

Re: Re: Re: Heartworm prevention

Nancy. How much DE do you give them at a time?