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"I want to breed my Labrador"

Anyone have some good links to articles written on why it's not a good idea to breed your pet and what really goes into breeding a quality litter??
I just had someone email me wanting to breed their male... I get these periodically and I should have something saved just for the occasion.
Thanks in advance!

Re: "I want to breed my Labrador"

Re: "I want to breed my Labrador"

I've had that same kind of note... "I've got a great deal for you - I'd like to breed my stud to your girl and all I want is one puppy." I just told him that her next breeding was already planned and sent the link to the stud. But I'm going to save that list of links for the next inquiry.

Re: "I want to breed my Labrador"

Those links are great! Thanks for posting them. I did not have all of the ones you listed.
I usually start by asking about the dogs clearances (generally get a "what do you need them for my dog is AKC/UKC registered!?" response), then after a bit more discussion the kicker seems to be when I tell them I would prefer to do an AI and I tell them they will need to collect their dog. The responses are hysterical, and the dead silence on the other end of the line is priceless!

Re: "I want to breed my Labrador"

Of course, it is good to have some articles handy and to refer someone to them, but I guess I take the responsibility of education more personally. I have had a lot of those "I want to breed my male" calls over four decades and have occasionally developed a new friend and serious dog fancier through continued conversation and mentoring. I guess my word of advice is to remember that nobody was born knowing this art and even YOU started somewhere. The person you brush off with discouraging references to articles MIGHT have been a dedicated fancier with the right encouragement and education. Just a thought from an old timer.

Re: "I want to breed my Labrador"

Well said, Maureen. Many owners genuinely would love to have one of their dog's sons or daughters, especially if they have had a special relationship with their boy. Bystanders cannot be expected to have an innate knowledge of the complexities of dog breeding and a little time spent explaining is not wasted.

Re: Re: "I want to breed my Labrador"

Maureen and JP are correct, it does not take but about 10 minutes at the most to type out a personal E-mail explaining why, very nicely and easy to understand why someone who wishes to use their beloved Labrador on siring a litter so they can get another just like the one they have are really looking at the impossible. Most folks just really have no idea what goes into selecting a stud dog and in fact probably 20 Labs sire 80% of the litters in the US. Even with a Lab with all it's clearances, a champion title, sometimes even offering a "no charge" stud fee, there will be no takers. I'm sure the same holds true in other countries.
I think something nice and personal makes far more of an impact than sending links. I'm am not saying they are not good and informative just that if someone takes the time an effort to contact you personally, it's nice to send back more than just a link.

Re: Re: Re: "I want to breed my Labrador"

Some GREAT referrences, thank you!
You are absolutely right Gregg and I always do write a personal note, sometimes more detailed than others, depending on how they have written their email to me.
I just wanted some other resources to have available as well.
Thanks everyone!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: "I want to breed my Labrador"

I have two letters on my webite, one for dogs, one
for bitches. I wrote these several years ago when I received letters from folks wanting to breed.
Here are the links: