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IOHC - any Vets on board?

IOHC -Incomplete ossification of the humeral condyle
Can you explain, on simple terms, what the heck this is? It is in reference to someone I know whos dog has this. Not a Lab, but a French Brittany.

Re: IOHC - any Vets on board?

I am not a vet, but I did Google "Incomplete ossification of the humeral condyle." There seems to be tons of links and references to this condition. Perhaps you can find the information you need just by googling it. Good luck


Re: IOHC - any Vets on board?

The terminology itself means that the bone isn't fully "calcified" (if you will) in one of the condyles of the humerus at the level of the elbow joint.
Definition of "condyle":

con·dyle (kndl, -dl)
A rounded prominence at the end of a bone, most often for articulation with another bone.

[Latin condylus, knuckle, from Greek kondulos.]

This makes the bone softer and much more prone to injury or bone fractures in the elbow, and while typically reported in spaniels, English pointers, etc, it is also recently recognized in labrador retrievers, too.

Re: IOHC - any Vets on board?

We are waiting for OFA results and suspect that this might be the same problem. I will be interested to hear what they say.
Do you know (Help with this) the age of this dog that you refer to?