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Here's the latest inquiry:

"Hi! We are planning to open a small puppy store in upper Dutchess County. Would you be interested in working with us? Our goal is to have a puppy store full of happy, healthy puppies that are from the local area. We love puppies and really wish there were more stores that were run by families like ours. We have a seven year old boy that loves them so much he wants to be a vet when he grows up. Please let me know if you would be interested in trying to set up an appointment to see our store or for us to come and see your puppies. Thank you!


My answer:

"I carefully screen every home for every one of my puppies. I doubt that any reputable breeder would sell a puppy through a store. I hope you reconsider your plans."

Re: Clueless

OMG...I can't believe someone would even ask such a question..I ..I'm speechless .. a puppy store?? oy vey! ..wonder if they might like to open a baby store?..sorry I'm a bit opinionated sometimes..people never cease to amaze me

Re: Clueless

To bad they don't work with the Rescue groups it could be a real win win to find homes for the multitudes of rescues. Anyone can sell a fluffy puppy but a "storefront" that showcased those that so desperately need loving (screened) families along with pet supplies and goodies could be such a plus. JMO

Re: Clueless

I guess they haven't found out yet that (legally) as a pet shop, they can only buy from USDA licensed breeders.

Re: Re: Clueless

That's an awesome idea. Maybe you could email that suggestion to with the shelters to put THEIR puppies and dogs in the store...

Re: Clueless

It happens all the time- unfortunately. Some of the well known- longer time breeders have had emails and phone calls for years. They will get pups to sell from backyard breeders and probably sell them for the holidays. They begin making contact now for December.

Go see their store as invited so you can give them some education face to face or they will never reconsider their plans.

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Replying to:

Here's the latest inquiry:

"Hi! We are planning to open a small puppy store in upper Dutchess County. Would you be interested in working with us? Our goal is to have a puppy store full of happy, healthy puppies that are from the local area. We love puppies and really wish there were more stores that were run by families like ours. We have a seven year old boy that loves them so much he wants to be a vet when he grows up. Please let me know if you would be interested in trying to set up an appointment to see our store or for us to come and see your puppies. Thank you!


My answer:

"I carefully screen every home for every one of my puppies. I doubt that any reputable breeder would sell a puppy through a store. I hope you reconsider your plans."

Re: Clueless

Vanwhalen I didnt know that. is that in all states?

Re: Clueless

Any breeder/operation "wholesaling" puppies is supposed to be be USDA licenced. I believe this was enacted in 1970.
What is wholesaling?? Anyone breeding and selling to anyone that is not the final "consumer" (where the puppy would be made part of the family for example).
So it would be illegal for the BYB, for example to sell their puppies to a pet shop if the BYB was not USDA licensed.

Pet shops might also get their puppies through Brokers... but Brokers are still only supposed to be getting the puppies from USDA licensed operations.

USDA is United States Department of Agriculture. So yes, it applies to all puppies being sold in all pet shops in all states.

Re: Clueless

In a word: