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Found Female IG near Cheyenne Wyoming

This was posted on another list:

IGCA rescue has an approximately 10 month to 2 year old female IG that came in last night. We are desperate to find her owners as this dog has obviously had some kind of massive surgery sometime in the past 3 weeks. She was found just north of Cheyenne WY wandering down a back road. Miss Kitty (she has to have some kind of name) was on
the verge of starvation when found. The folks that found her kept her for several days before finding us. Whoever owns Miss Kitty must be desperately looking for her. The surgical scar still has scabs on it,and because of its location, we know it was NOT an inexpensive surgery. IT runs from her hip down to her knee and is probably 6 inches long. Miss Kitty was wearing a custom made dogs coat.

IF you know anyone who is missing a Fawn/White female IG, that has had this kind of surgery PLEASE get them in touch with us. We are desperately trying to find them, and we are working frantically to get weight on Miss Kitty. She will also go to our rescue vet this
weekend to find out exactly what was done to her leg. She is unable to use it, and we do not know if that is because of trauma due to her time lost, or because thats just the way it is.

We figure Miss Kitty could belong to someone anywhere from the Denver area to the Cheyenne area. We do not think there are many vet clinics that could do this kind of surgery.

Serena Galloway
IGRF Regional Rescue Advisor (Area 2)
IGRF rescue Rep for Colorado

Re: Found Female IG near Cheyenne Wyoming

Maybe I need my coffee this morning, but What is an IG?

Re: Found Female IG near Cheyenne Wyoming

Ah thought about it somemore- I bet it is Itallian Greyhound?

Re: Found Female IG near Cheyenne Wyoming

Italian Greyhound

Re: Found Female IG near Cheyenne Wyoming

You undoubtably are contacting all the veterinary offices. Do vets have some sort of network? Maybe use, they contact all veterinary offices within a certain radius. Good luck!