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Panacur C???

I have used Panacur to knock out whipworms when Interceptor failed. I just recently discovered that there is a formulation called Panacur C that is supposed to also get TAPEWORMS.

Anyone used it with success on a dog that you know had tapeworms? It is much cheaper than droncit, so I am curious about the efficacy.

I will also be discussing with my veterinarian, but wanted to know if anyone had first-hand experience with this product.



Re: Panacur C???

It doesn't work - you need Praziquantel for tapes.

Re: Re: Panacur C???

Thanks. I was afraid that was the feedback I would get.


Re: Re: Re: Panacur C???

But you don't have to use Drontal - you can get praziquantel by itself and use with Pyrantel - it's the same combination.