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Help Dreamweaver experts needed!

Yes I am a bit of a computer dummy but a self trained one! I have made a slide show to put on my website. I made it in Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0 which happened to be on my computer and I was actually able to figure out. Now however I cannot get my beautiful little creation onto my website and I use Dreamweaver for that. So help!!! Please only those who speak English need answer, as I do not speak Computerese.
Judy Heim

Re: Help Dreamweaver experts needed!


Did you upload each individual picture to the host computer? There may be components which make the slide presentation work that also need to be uploaded.

Just some thoughts..

Re: Help Dreamweaver experts needed!


Try speaking to Jill and some of the other breeders that are also website designers. There are a fine group of them. You probably know who they are, if you don't please post back and I will email you a group of names.

One of them should be able to help you out.

Re: Help Dreamweaver experts needed!

What Michael said. More than likely either the path to the photos you want to use is incorrect, or you didn't upload the photos.

Re: Help Dreamweaver experts needed!

Hi Judy,

I've just recently faced a similar problem using Dreamweaver and a Slideshow/Photo Gallery creator, Jalbum. We are slowly revising the website and started with the many photos of our current litter.

The previous posts do touch on the issue I was facing. There are three main things to look at -

1. The photos (and album files) usually have to be stored in a "subdirectory" of your website directory. When you look in the folder that holds your .htm and .jpg files, you would have folders for each album. I made my folders first. I then created the slideshow from this sub-folder.

2. The program should give you some text ("example/slideshow/album.html") that you would place on the page you want the album to appear. When you are using Dreamweaver, do you ever use the split view (Shows code and design)? You may have to put the .html into what is called a iframe. This will help control the placement on your page. For example, mine looks like this -

p align="center" iframe src= "Sugar Gryff Puppies Week Six/album/index.html" width="900" height="700" frameborder="0" /iframe

3. The final issue could be in the uploading of the site. Do you load your own site to the web using ftp? If so, you will want to make sure the "subdirectory", or folders within the main site folder, are reflecting once you upload your site. I use CuteFTP, a drag and drop program.

If you'd like me to email you some screen shots or examples, feel free to email. Hope this helps.

Re: Re: Help Dreamweaver experts needed!

Thanks for the advice. If none of these things help I will be forced to turn to my computer guru who knows everything- Greg Huntzinger (Riverlane Labs) but I always save him till last because I hate to bother him. Thanks guys.