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movie "Marley and Me"

Does anyone know when the movie (about the book) "Marley and Me" is coming out?

Re: movie "Marley and Me"

Production is slated to begin in Spring 2008.

Re: movie "Marley and Me"

I didnt hear that! Its hands down one of the best books I read

Re: Re: movie "Marley and Me"

Yes too bad people think all Labradors are like that dog because of it

Although I enjoyed the book because I have an understanding of the breed and what's not correct for it, since the book became so popular I have had numerous puppy buyers ask if our dogs were like Marley.

Wonder just how many people didn't bother looking for a breeder at all after reading it. In other words, went to another breed...

Re: movie "Marley and Me"

I think it is all in the way you read the book. I read it as warning signs. Father comes in from outside full tilt. Puppy reduced. etc etc.

Re: movie "Marley and Me"

I agree, I read it and thought the parents should have been the first clue of what Marley's temperament might be like. If anything it supports why breeding for temperament is so important.

Re: Re: movie "Marley and Me"

I loved the book. It made me teary eyed. Hasn't any one ever had a dog that was a terror, but also had a huge place in their heart? It could have been any kind of dog. It just happened to be a lab.JMO

Re: Re: Re: movie "Marley and Me"

well, fact is it WAS a Lab and it was touted as being "purebred'. Yes, the authour acknowledged he bought from a BYB, in the end. However he also goes on to explain how he has found another "good breeder" since then and really "sells" this breeder as "top notch" when the truth be known, she isn't anything but a glorified BYB herself.
Sorry, had to say it. I know others were thinking it...

Re: Re: Re: movie "Marley and Me"

I just LOVED that book and look forward to seeing the movie when it's released!

Re: Re: Re: Re: movie "Marley and Me"

Me TOO!!!!

Re: movie "Marley and Me"

I would never sell Grogan a dog! But I will check out the movie.

Re: Re: movie "Marley and Me"

bdr, why wouldn't you sell Grogan a dog ? Just the fact that Grogan and his family stuck it out with crazy Marley till the end is testament to how good a dog owner he was, including his kids and wife. Many families would have given up on that dog in the first month they brought him home.

Re: Re: Re: movie "Marley and Me"

You know, that comment made about not selling Grogan a dog bothered me all morning,you are right to not agree with that comment.
Not everyone out there going to buy a lab has the "what not to do and what to do list of buying a labrador" in their hands. They made the classic uninformed buying mistake, but to somehow use that to classifiy them as unfit dog owners or to somehow attack their integrity is absurd.
You can be angry at the BYB (perhaps?) who sold them the dog, maybe, when you think back about the scene where the sire came crashing through the bushes with a crazed look on his face, of course, as they were leaving with the pup.
I happen to know Grogan is a great guy. Have had interaction with him.

Re: movie "Marley and Me"

I am NOT saying Grogan is a bad guy...he seems like a really nice guy and he did "stick it out" but Marley could have avoided a lot of his anxieties & penned up energy if Grogan had just picked up a basic book on "crate training", "housebreaking", proper exercise & "outlets" for Marley's angst & energy.... I guess it just bothered me that every anecdote seemed to be told based on the human "needs"...why did they not seek help sooner...I found myself cringing a lot as I read the book...poor Marley...It felt like all of Marley's naughty behaviors were a cry for help...a need for appropriate attention. I know the Grogan's really LOVED their dog but meeting his needs is just as important to me for a good solid home.

Re: movie "Marley and Me"

Sometimes in whatever training you may do it will never "fix" the problem. Eg. Seperation anxiety.

Re: movie "Marley and Me"

Separation anxiety is much easier PREVENTED than fixed...but I disagree that it cannot be fixed. I have apprenticed a behaviorist who wrote three volumes of textbooks on canine behavior (ie-he knows what he is doing)...when working with him, we successfully desensitized and reconditioned several dogs for separation anxiety(owned by a wide variety of people...some dog saavy some not). It was not simple...but not impossible....however my point was that it could have been prevented with some very basic puppy training guides. That's all.

I take a long time with all of my puppy buyers going over the basics and my door is open for any questions they might have...if I cannot answer the question, I help them find out who can....but I do require my puppy buyers to be interested in learning and open minded to training & health...they do not have to come in as experts...just be willing and eager to learn as much as possible to make the life of the puppy the best possible life. If Marley had been one of mine(ugggh)...I would have been sick about his angst and anxiety-filled existence.