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Has anyone hear of any infections, or even cancer as a result of the implantation of a microchip? I had a customer at the vet clinic ask this, but I have no info to give them.

Re: microchipping

I remember reading something about this but I can't recall if it was on one of the forums or in an article. Hopefully someone will recall where its at. I do remember the problem was with one particular chip but I don't remember the manufacturer. Sorry!

Re: Re: microchipping

No problems with the AVID or Home Again brands.

Re: Re: Re: microchipping

Some time ago I remember the AVID chips would migrate or move into elbows or somewhere strange.... I have had dogs that I knew that I microchipped would scan the shoulder area and no chip we would then move the scanner around other areas and found AVID chips somewhere else in the body... and yes it was a vet that inserted them.

I then moved to Home Again with no issues.

Re: Re: Re: Re: microchipping

Yes, there is research that shows that chips in mice can cause fibrosarcomas I believe. What remains to be seen is whether the chip itself caused the cancer or whether it was in injection site, or both.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: microchipping

We just had a client come in and had us remove the chip implanted in her dog, because she had read a report that the chips caused cancer. We decided after that surgery that we will never do it again. It was so hard to find the chip, even with the help of the scanner, and the chip was incased in healthy tissue.
The chip was where it was supposed to be but they are so small.

Re: microchipping

AVID chips used to be prone to migrating, but some time ago they changed the outer layer to keep them in place.

As for causing cancer, I think I've heard that everything and anything causes cancer. I'd ask her where she heard it from and whether there was a study done. And if you get an answer - post the study here! We'd all love to know.

I wish more people were educated in scientific evidence.

Re: Re: microchipping

I heard that the chip with radio transmitters in caused cancer.

Re: microchipping

OK. The article did involve mice and there was concern expressed about using this particular chip in humans because of a cancer concern. Unfortunately I do not have the article. I forwaded it to another breeder who works for a vet. If she still has it I'll post it.

Re: microchipping

Her's a link, and if you Google "Cancer causing microchips" you'll see a bunch more.

Re: microchipping

Yes, there has been an e-mail circulating around about a study involving a microchip brand (not one one of the "big name companies" from what I know) inducing tumors at the injection site...probably similar to vaccine-associated sarcomas, related to chronic irritation at the injection site. I have never seen one of these, but we have always dealt with the major companies like AVID and Home Again.

We have only seen one case of an infection (abscess) linked to the microchip site about 2 wks after a microchip was implanted in a shelter cat (at the time of spay). The abscess was repaired, the microchip removed from the site, and everything healed up quite well. An animal with a normal immune system and clean conditions during microchipping should not acquire an infection in this way.