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Sizing retrieving dumbbells

I'm having a hard time sizing a retrieving dumbbell for my female lab.

High profile, high angle or standard angle? Which is best for a lab?

What should the approximate end height be?

I measured her "bit" as 4.25" but she is only 11 months old. As my dog matures, will this measurement change? At around $20 each I would like to get the correct one and hopefully she won't outgrow it. She's about 65 lbs. now. Do you recommend I get a little longer "bit"? If so, how much longer?

For those who do obedience what do you use and where do you order from?

Re: Sizing retrieving dumbbells

Try this one:

They are really good at helping you choose what's right for your dog, and the quality of their products is top-notch!

Re: Sizing retrieving dumbbells

Try Max 200--I do so agree. They are so helpful in sizing whether at a show or I would even try calling them. Also, if you go to the Just Labradors forum in the obedience section there are a couple of posts on how to size a bell for your dog.