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hot spot on pregger gal

My pregger gal has a little hotspot under her ear where she got a tick bite. She has never had a hot spot...I have been dabbing it with the purple ear cleaner and some colloidal silver. It has stayed the same size but has not cleared up. I was going to try a little iodine or the listerine (what is the dilute ratio for that?) I think Gold Bond would clump up on it....any other's experience would be helpful...have not shaved it yet...thought it might cause further irritation... What else has worked for people but is safe for pregnancy?......PLS HELP

Re: hot spot on pregger gal

I use either gentocin, or straight listerine.. let it dry completely, then put Gold Bond powder on - I repeat several times a day...

Re: Re: hot spot on pregger gal

Don't worry about the Gold Bond clumping, that's what sticks to it and helps dry it out.

Good've caught it early and I'm sure you'll girl will be ok and your babies too.

Re: hot spot on pregger gal

Thanks for the replies...I have started a listerine/gold bond therapy...hope it works! gentocin for a pregnant gal.