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FOOD - Why go wheat free?

I see so many dog food ads now saying wheat free. Is this a marketing thing since the food scare? If you feed wheat free what do you feed and why please.

Input really appreciated :)

Re: FOOD - Why go wheat free?

Some dogs have issues with wheat, corn, soy, some with sorghum and have skin problems as a result.

I choose to stay away from those ingredients - fillers, and have for far longer than the food recalls.

I feed grain free now - Natures Variety Instinct.

I used to feed Sensible Choice Natural Blend chicken and brown rice formula and really liked it but they had a cross contamination from another food in their plant and recalled it to be safe. Thats when I went to the NV

Re: Re: FOOD - Why go wheat free?

I think it's because it's one of those over-processed grains like corn. I suppose if you are getting a good source or if your dog doesn't have issues, it doesn't matter. I make my own biscuits with organic whole wheat flour but I try not to give the dogs too much grain just because it's not their natural diet.

Re: FOOD - Why go wheat free?

I went high protein low carb/grain free because my boy was diagnosed with bone cancer and this is the diet his oncologist recommended.

It is also a good food, so I have both of my dogs on it now.

As for wheat free, that's part of the low carb.

Re: FOOD - Why go wheat free?

Basically corn and wheat were orginally used in pet foods and a cheaper source of filler than what protein was. Many people prefer to not feed carbs because for one thing cancer cells feed off of carbs. In humans the nations with the higher cancer rates have higher carbohydrate consumption. Lower the carbs and you lower the risk of cancer, diabetes, etc. All things our dogs deal with as well. They digest proteins much better--that is what they were designed to digest. Some do ok on foods with wheat and corn but for me just too many risks with it.