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Dew Claws??

What is everyones feeling about having dew claws removed? I normally dont do this, but I have a gentlemen who is interested in a puppy and wants her dew claws removed. The puppies are 2 weeks old. What is the best time to have this precedure done? Is this safe for the puppy....any problems after?? Thank you for your input.

Re: Dew Claws??

Most people remove dewclaws on day 3to4. Why would you want to remove them? I'd send this person down the road......

Re: Dew Claws??

I don't remove due claws on my Labs, but used to on my Borzoi and Dobermans. I did them at the age of 2 or 3 days. I personally think 2 weeks is too old to remove them without causing trauma to the pup and damage to the joint. JMHO

Re: Re: Dew Claws??

My vets have told me that beyond 5 - 6 days is too long. Ideally 3-4 days old.

Re: Re: Re: Dew Claws??

We have Rottie's also, the dew claws need to be done by 3 days if not a surgical procedure. I use to remove them on labs also but have found they are not floppy or stick out like Rottie's do, Rottie's sometimes have double dews so it is a need to do thing. I think they need the extra toe if it is not risking injury *like Rott's. I would tell that person to feel free to have them removed when they spay or neuter. If that's a issue for them tell them you wish them the best luck in their search for their "perfect" puppy.

Re: Dew Claws??

Doesn't matter - it's too late for this litter.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Dew Claws??

I do not remove dew claws. at all.
There are studies to show it is harmful to the joint.

There is no reason to remove them and I'd send this guy packing if it were me!!!!

Re: Re: Dew Claws??

Dews are an important accupunture point.

Re: Dew Claws??

My guys use their dew claws every day from scratching their face to holding a bone... plus as someone said research is showing it can cause damage in the long run... just teach puppy buyers to keep the dew claw nails short

Re: Dew Claws??

It is their thumb. It is a cruel as docking tails or cropping the ears.This is a Amercian style dog. It is not done in any other country

Re: Dew Claws??

Tell the gentleman if he would like to have one of his limbs removed instead! Two weeks is too old to do them already, if they MUST be done it should be done by the time they are 3 days old and no more. They need that extra thumb to grip onto stuff and if he keeps the nail short shouldn't have a problem with it tearing and it can cause other problems if removed.

Re: Dew Claws-don't do it!

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Replying to:

What is everyones feeling about having dew claws removed? I normally dont do this, but I have a gentlemen who is interested in a puppy and wants her dew claws removed. The puppies are 2 weeks old. What is the best time to have this precedure done? Is this safe for the puppy....any problems after?? Thank you for your input.

Re: Dew Claws??

More of us who are active in performance events prefer the dew claws to be on. I was going to refer the article by Chris Zink that is all ready been listed here as an excellent resource. They are finding that dogs really do use them. They use them more than the possiblity of them being torn off in the field. My first Lab was field trained, was working on her JH and I ran her out of a blind and she had hers on and never had a problem with them. It was so neat to watch her grab her bones and use her dew claws to help hold them. They are useful. I would send the guy packing, too.

Re: Re: Dew Claws??

We don't do dew claws. Our dogs run hard in rough terrain and have NEVER had any problems. I've had puppy buyers also ask having them removed and simply say that we don't do them and it has been found that they use them. If they don't like the fact that we don't have them removed, they can go elsewhere.

Re: Re: Re: Dew Claws??

I have "pet buyers" hang up on me sometimes because I don't do dew claws. rediculous. NEXT!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Dew Claws??

Is there anyone left out there that actually still likes removing them at the appropriate time?

Re: Dew Claws??

I still do them, I just prefer the look.

I have been breeding for 16 years, and never had a problem with elbows or pasterns etc. Not once.

My first labrador, which I imported from abroad did not have hers done, and she ripped one open, and I swore I would never do that to one of my puppy people.

Everyone has their opinion, and reasons for doing things the way they do, and this is mine, and it works for me.

Re: Dew Claws??

Two of mine had their dews removed by the breeder. The youngest's are intact and it's funny because while chewing on bones, she holds her bone upright and uses the thumb while the other two look at her like, "How does she do that?" LOL

Re: Dew Claws??

Two weeks is WAY too late unless you have them removed as surgery.
I have always had mine removed and had been taught by someone how to them at birth-much like the old Terrier breeders do. Done properly, its no fuss, no muse. I will say, my Terrier breeder friend does a WAY better job than my vet would do at three days of age.(I have mine removed at 24 hours but flexible given the birth and puppies doing well) Having said this, there is the danger of tendon damage and scarring if not done properly and yes, also if you don't get the wee bone out, it can grown back.
I might move to not removing them in future but for now, I have them removed.

Re: Dew Claws??

Mine do not have dew claws and they hold their bones upright and chew on them.

I have had experience with 2 dogs (one mine - one belonged to a friend) that had their dew claws. Both had problems with them getting caught on things and tearing. My friend started using vet wrap on the front legs whenever we did field work.

Re: Re: Dew Claws??

I also remove dew claws at about 3 days. I do field work with my dogs and have seen/heard a few horror stories regarding ripped dew claws. My dogs are active until late in life (average age for the 5 that have died is 14 years, youngest was over 13.5 years, and he did have his dew claws) and do not have problems with elbows, tendons, etc. They chew on things they are supposed to chew on and some things that they are not supposed to chew on just fine.

If, for some reason, I missed the 3-5 day window, I would leave them on. Also, I bought a dog from a breeder that did not remove dew claws and certainly would do so again if I really wanted a puppy from that breeding. I would not remove dew claws at this late date to accomodate a puppy buyer and probably would not sell that person a puppy.

Re: Dew Claws??

I agree with leaving the dew claws. Had a beagle fall thru a frozen pond years ago. If not for the dew claws she wouldn't have been able to hang on until our Lab ran to get the horse trainer to pull the beagle out. (Yes, tru story - should have named that Lab Lassie LOL)

I would be concerned that this buyer may attempt to remove them at his own vet once he has the pup.

I too would not sell them a pup.

Re: Re: Dew Claws??

I also remove the dew claws at 3 days. I have been breeding since 1985 and have never had a joint problem, arthritis, or any other issues that could be contributed to removal of the dew claws. My vet comes out to the kennel and removes them.

My 13-yr old Master Hunter holds her bones upright every night when she has her chewing session, so that has nothing to do with dew claws.


Re: Re: Re: Dew Claws??

I have removed dewclaws for 25 years. Never a problem. Try to always do day 3. Think once day 4 and that was fine. Do show, obedience, field work and never missed a beat. Some do, some don't. Some want to go on to say its a health issue. NOT ! Let one get ripped off or try to trim one on an old dog, or check one out that the pet people let grow into the leg. Guess, there are some health issues. You will decide for yourself. No right or wrong here.

Re: Dew Claws??

I remove dews at 3-4 days. I've had dews tear in previous dogs and never want to go through that again, so provided puppies and mom are doing good dews come off. I did leave them on on one litter because puppies had a rough start.

It really is a personal decision with plenty of debate.

Re: Dew Claws??

For those of you who are still removing dew claws - do you do them yourselves or have the Vet do them?

Re: Dew Claws??

Please don't hurt that baby to get a buyer. There are other buyers.

They have to be removed before three days old. That is when nervous system kicks in.

I do not remove them. I have owned dogs with them removed. I would rather see a dog with them. They use them.

Re: Re: Dew Claws??

We had our vet show us how he removes them; my husband and I remove them ourselves now,not difficult, gets done quickly, we've had no probs.
We prefer no dewclaws, and do our puppies at 2-3 days old.