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vaccine schedule

what schedule do most people follow when doing puppy vaccinations? I have seen 6,9,12,16,20 weeks. I have also seen 6,8,12,16 weeks. Most people send their puppies home at 8 weeks so do you give them their last vaccine before they go home?

Re: vaccine schedule

I am sure you will get many recommendations on this, with many variations. Personally after having a "vaccine situation" with 2 dogs I now follow Dr. Jean Dodds schedule and I have been pleased with it. Good luck.

Re: vaccine schedule

8, 12, 16 weeks - rabies at 20 weeks. One year booster and then every 3 years.

It is now being said that vaccinating prior to 8 weeks affects the colostrum pups got from mom so I switched to the above protocol with last litter and all pups are fine.

Re: Re: vaccine schedule

I have as a rule, done them at 7,11,15wks, then Rabies at 6-8months. I don't always do Rabies right at 4 months, unless they are going to travel south of the border.

Re: Re: vaccine schedule

So Patty, what do you do about sending pups home. Wait until they are 8 weeks, do the first shot, and puppy buyers get them a few days later?

Re: vaccine schedule

Yes Jen.

I do the shots at 8 weeks and the pups stay with me to be sure there are no reactions before they go home about 3-4 days after.

I also prefer the pups initial health check by the vet to be as close to the date they go home as possible.

Re: Re: vaccine schedule

Good deal. Just getting all those ducks in a row while I wait wait wait wait wait for Grace to come into heat. (did I mention I am tired of waiting???)

Re: vaccine schedule

8, 12, 16 weeks and then rabies at 20 weeks. Vaccines much prior to 8 weeks old are ineffective at best.

Re: Re: vaccine schedule

Just to clarify, it is not possible for a vaccination to affect colostrum. Colostrum is passed within the first 24 hrs +/-. What is possible is that the puppy's immunity (derived from the colostrum) will "compete" with a vaccination (modified live type), in a sense blocking the effect of the vaccine. We don't know when the dam's immunity wanes in a given puppy and that is why we start giving vax around 8 weeks. 3 Vaccinations are recommended because it takes 2, given roughly 3-4 weeks apart to build the "memory response" and we don't know whether the first one "takes". I think it was Pam Davol (sp?) who had a good write up on this.

Re: vaccine schedule

Out schedule, that is our schedule too. I agree completely. Remember that the 3 or 4 depends on the manufacturer of the vaccine.