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litters at the wrong time of year

May I ask your opinions why some breeders list their litters on their web-sites as "ready for Christmas?"

I was surfing a few sites and saw this twice. Don't they realize many Christmas buyers are not giving enough thought to the purchase of a furever pup? Some buy to make the children happy, others a gift for their b/f or g/f and some as a surpise for the whole family.

I am saddened by this and many of us avoid litters at that time of year so impulse buyers don't wind up with one of our pups.

Is it all for the buck or they just don't care? Those are the only reasons I can think of.

Re: litters at the wrong time of year

That is a question I asked a few weeks ago, everyone says they had them sold a while back, or they keep them until after Christmas, or they have people who have been waiting, so what's a few more months? I think it is $$$$. I could hve had litters ready for Christmas, but don't.

To each their own! I like sleeping at night so I don't do it.

Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

I think if you screen your buyers well enough and are smart about it, who cares what time of year you have a litter!?

Anyway, I don't arrange MY breeding program around the holidays. I breed when I want to, period.

I am 100% ready to hold on to any pups I produce until the right families come along, no matter how long that is.

Re: Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

OK, so I am guessing you have a bunch of pups ready for Christmas. Good for you! I wish you and your puppies happy healthy Holidays!

Re: Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

Haven't we already been educated that breeders that "advertise" Xmas litter are not reputable?

There is a huge difference between those breeders who advertise litters ready for Xmas WANTING to sell them for Xmas presentes, and those who happen to have litters born or ready around Xmas but don't place the puppies in homes until the chaos of the Season is over.

What the latter do is none of my business and I would never question why they chose to have a litter at that time of year, I would assume they knew what they were doing.

Re: litters at the wrong time of year

That was my point. They were advertised on the web as being ready for Christmas.

Re: Re: Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

I guess you think we have no ability to screen prospective buyers. I also assume you have never met someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas. It may surprise you how many do not.
If you had a litter that was ready to go home after New Years do you still ask if it is a Christmas present? Because there is Russian Christmas on January 7th. Should we avoid Easter too? How about Valentines Day? I want to get it straight so I do things just how YOU would like. Maybe you should give us ALL your name and email address so we can check in w/ you to make sure we are having puppies at the right time of year. Maybe you would like to tell us who to breed to as well.

Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

I didn't question why, I just stated my opinion, isn't that what the forum is for? I also have been breeding for 19 years, never had Christmas pups, I have had some whelped in December. And I also said I hoped they and their pups had happy healthy holidays, I am sorry i thought that was nice. I am sorry you found that so offensive. GEEZ

Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

Point taken, but how many time are we going to harp on the irresponsible breeding practices when it's out of our hands. What's the saying? You're preaching to the choir. I am assuming that most of us on her KNOW the "rules" of being a good breeder, and we can spot a bad breeder with our eyes shut. It's not like we can pin a Scarlet A on the shirt of the bad breeders to make them pay penance for breaking the "law" of selling puppies as Xmas presents. Like the heated debate a few weeks ago about the breeder everyone knew who has recently been acting more like a puppymill vs. a reputable breeder. Even the clubs these people are in are unable to police these breeders...

It's a bummer there are still people out there doing it wrong when all the resources are there for educating themselves, but then again if they really wanted to do it right they would. Can't do nuthing about it, unfortunately, so I just make sure my own business is taken care of right.

Re: Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

Well said.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

I don't know about the rest of you , but I really don't have control over when my bitches ovulate.
All I can say is , Get A LIFE !

Re: Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

You people are something else, what business is it of yours who breeds when? Each person that breeds at whatever time of year has their reasons for it, some good some bad but still it is NONE of anyone's business when people breed their dogs! Unless you have no specks in your eyes don't condemm others for what they do lest you be judged too! I am so sick of seeing people here on this board busy bodying around others business, it is getting real old!

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Replying to:

Point taken, but how many time are we going to harp on the irresponsible breeding practices when it's out of our hands. What's the saying? You're preaching to the choir. I am assuming that most of us on her KNOW the "rules" of being a good breeder, and we can spot a bad breeder with our eyes shut. It's not like we can pin a Scarlet A on the shirt of the bad breeders to make them pay penance for breaking the "law" of selling puppies as Xmas presents. Like the heated debate a few weeks ago about the breeder everyone knew who has recently been acting more like a puppymill vs. a reputable breeder. Even the clubs these people are in are unable to police these breeders...

It's a bummer there are still people out there doing it wrong when all the resources are there for educating themselves, but then again if they really wanted to do it right they would. Can't do nuthing about it, unfortunately, so I just make sure my own business is taken care of right.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

Maybe we shouldn't sell them around Super Bowl Sunday, either. That's a bigger fiasco than Christmas!

Re: litters at the wrong time of year

Jen, there are always new people on the list. Daily, new breeders discover it. If this helps one breeder realise it isn't in the pups best interests then something good came of it.

Re: litters at the wrong time of year

There is no "wrong time of year" for healthy, sound, good-temperamented Lab puppies. Clearly there are some problems with finding good-temperamented Lab PEOPLE at certain times of the year

I'm not sure why so many posters feel it is THEIR business to monitor the breeding or marketing practices of others, but if you are going to become the great arbiter of Labrador etiquite, have the courtesy to sign your posts! That way we know who to call when we need the Lab police

Re: Re: Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year


Well said. My sentiments, exactly.

Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

Sorry to say, Home for Christmas, in the shelter by Easter.
Props for trying, Bdr101.

Re: litters at the wrong time of year

Jackie,It becomes everyone's business when it is posted online for all of us to see. You're very opinionated, try coming to see the full shelters in parts of the Mainland and then speak as you do.

I don't agree with you, as I explained it is public information posted on web sites.

I give up. You people could argue over what time Santa Claus comes down the chimney.

Re: litters at the wrong time of year

I would urge ppl that wonder "why" other folks do this or that to ASK THEM???

Please do then let us all know the answer?

just an idea

Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

That would be midnight

lol (little dry humor folks)

Re: litters at the wrong time of year

I guess I have NO idea what you (Bdr101) are trying to accomplish with this whole thread. Bitches come into season about every 6 months. If one has puppies around the holidays, so what? The people you are complaining about are most likely not on this list. Are we supposed to call them up and chew them out for selling puppies as Christmas presents? You are preaching to the choir here, and other than feeling better by venting you are doing nothing helpful. Perhaps your time is better spent on pet lists educating the people looking for pets what NOT to buy for Christmas.


Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

BDR 101. You sure police everyone's way of breeding.
Must spend alot of time learning the "correct way" of doing everything. You seem to want all of us to agree with you. We seldom do. Live and let live. We all do things different. And I agree, the girls come in heat when they want to. Hope you don't ever find my web page. I hate to hear what is wrong with my breeding program.

Re: Re: Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

Um, hardly. I have no puppies available for xmas. But thanks anyway.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year


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Replying to:

I guess you think we have no ability to screen prospective buyers. I also assume you have never met someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas. It may surprise you how many do not.
If you had a litter that was ready to go home after New Years do you still ask if it is a Christmas present? Because there is Russian Christmas on January 7th. Should we avoid Easter too? How about Valentines Day? I want to get it straight so I do things just how YOU would like. Maybe you should give us ALL your name and email address so we can check in w/ you to make sure we are having puppies at the right time of year. Maybe you would like to tell us who to breed to as well.

Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

And you people have nothing better to do than to go and check other breeders websites and see if they are selling christmas puppies? Try putting that kind of effort into your OWN breeding program and it just may pay off.... you all sound like a bunch of busybody old ladies, I sure as heck don't have the time to go to other breeders websites just to see when they are having puppies or to stick my nose in where it doesn't belong, i'd rather put that effort into my own dogs and breeding program and you can't change what others do no matter how much you try, it is a free country and everyone can do what they want even if you don't agree with it.
Jackie who has the guts to sign my name to my posts!

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Replying to:

Jackie,It becomes everyone's business when it is posted online for all of us to see. You're very opinionated, try coming to see the full shelters in parts of the Mainland and then speak as you do.

I don't agree with you, as I explained it is public information posted on web sites.

I give up. You people could argue over what time Santa Claus comes down the chimney.

Re: Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

Just because your girls come in season, do you have to breed them?

Re: Re: Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

I have two girls. They cycle together. Unless I want to have two litters at the same time (and be accused of being a puppy mill!), they will likely be bred on alternate seasons. It matters not one whit to me when those puppies are born or are ready to go home - I'm sure from 40 years experience that my girls will manage to make it the most inconvenient possible timing regardless of what I plan

Re: litters at the wrong time of year

You don't always sign your name. Sometimes you forget to change back as in arguing over whether White Labradors exist.

Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

White Labs

Isn't it past your bedtime?

Re: Re: Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

Considering they only come in every 6-8 or 12 months, YES! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Re: litters at the wrong time of year

This is just why shorter term breeders are afraid to ask questions and long timers don't use their kennel name anymore. They are all afraid of being attacked or quoted. It's the nasty behavior on this list and it's distasteful.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

What an a$$hat you are!

Re: litters at the wrong time of year

I'm hoping my girl has her puppies on Leap Day...

Is that okay with everyone?

What a fun marketing gimmick!


Re: litters at the wrong time of year

I tried to breed mine so they'd be born on July 23rd. What's that, you ask? National 'Hot Dog Day' of course.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

Now that was uncalled for.
Just because I do not plan my breedings around holidays, you are calling me names!???
Nice folks on here...

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Replying to:

What an a$$hat you are!

Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

I've had a litter born on Halloween too, is that a bad thing too??????

Re: litters at the wrong time of year

Sorry, I'm enjoying this thread. It gives those confident breeders, who will sign their name, a chance to strut their ethics and opinions. It adds to the competition amongst breeders. So what if this topic has been beaten to death before, I like to see how some of you respond and the manner in which you do. (There IS a lesson here.)

P.S. I love you all anyway.

Re: litters at the wrong time of year

Great Humor here too!

Re: litters at the wrong time of year

I have a litter due on Christmas day. I've also noted it on my website because I sent the link to my families to keep them updated that my girl had been bred, and that was the due date if all goes well.

Trust me, not my choice to have pups on that day but I've skipped 3 heats on this girl and I'm really excited about the breeding. I've had people on the list for this girl for almost a year. More than I will have puppies and I plan on keeping a couple for myself. I understand the concern most have, and of course mine are "due" and not "ready" on christmas day. I'd think most of aware of the hazards of christmas puppies. It's just another day of the year for me, and we take our annual family vacation in July so I skip July either way.

I'm kind of looking forward to sitting in the whelping pen with a glass of eggnog while I wave goodbye to hubby and kids as they leave for all of the family visits around town I can only dream, she'll probably go the day after.

Re: Re: Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

If you have other girls in your kennel that need to be bred then yes you do need to breed them when they come in or loose getting anything from those girls you want pups from.

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Replying to:

Just because your girls come in season, do you have to breed them?

Re: litters at the wrong time of year

I plan to breed when it works for me - holiday or not. If I had a litter that was ready to go home just in time for Christmas, so what? It takes some extra screening, counseling and discussion of the right time to have the puppy go home. I've got puppies due now that will be ready for somebody's birthday. Maybe I shouldn't have done that breeding - we all know that puppies as birthday gifts can be problematic.

If you are a reputable breeder, you can handle puppy buyers at any time of year.

Re: litters at the wrong time of year

It is no one business like many of you have stated. The original post was ADVERTISING Christmas.. pups for sale .
Sure you can have a litter around the holidays. I have. I have never let a puppy go home before or after one week of the holdidays. I also offer to hold puppies two weeks both ways on the calendar of December through January. It is a busy time of year. There are three holdidays close to each other that is well celebrated through the month of December and Beginning of January.Why would you want to subject a new born pup to all of that when they can stay at your house safe and comfortable?
There is less stress after the Christmas. DO your puppy a favor take a nice deposit on it and tell them they can have it after Christmas or better yet New year when there is less stress after the holidays. give them a shopping list. They can give it out as present and that is a huge suprise under the tree. I always think of the puppy first. People who advertise Christmas pups are selling for profit, Period. They are show people too .

Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

Won't that complicate things? If your puppies have a birthday every four years and one dog year is equal to seven human years, how will you calculate their age in human years? Will it be 4/7 or 4 X 7? I'm thinking 4/7.

Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

"Not a breeder" wrote:
[It gives those confident breeders, who will sign their name, a chance to strut their ethics and opinions.]

As opposed to those who pass judgment and question ethics anonymously?????

Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

I have read some really terrible things in the past few days. Sad things, things that shouldn't go on in this world...abuses and unnecessary deaths.
It all gives me pause to consider the things that should be given credence and concern.
It makes me angry that so many have nothing better to do than pick apart others.
I know some just like to stir the pot and make waves, but sometimes I have a hard time understanding all of it.
Why is this such a hard topic to figure out?
What is the ethical dilemma?
Just doesnt take a real rocket scientist here.

You breed by what is best for your dogs, you place based on what is best for your dogs.
Holidays, advertising etc is irrelevant.
So what if someone mentioned X-mas in their litter listings if they still screen homes properly?

And people are on this board all the time so we will be forced to endure goodness knows how many more threads on whites, reds, silvers, and on and on....but most of the aliases I see on this thread are pretty well used so I bet they saw the other threads.
I also notice that some of the posters aliases are those associated with some very mean and nasty things that have been said behind the veil of a computer monitor.

(who spent the last half hour writing several mails to various officials in PR voicing my concern over the treatment of their animals instead of bashing some breeder for their gals heat cycle timing.)

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

Thank you, Jackie. I appreciate you being kind in answering -
I really was just wondering!

Re: litters at the wrong time of year

Quoting Maureen:
>"Not a breeder" wrote:
[It gives those confident breeders, who will sign their name, a chance to strut their ethics and opinions.]

As opposed to those who pass judgment and question ethics anonymously?????<

I order to "pass" judgment I would have to criticize a breeders post, I'm only forming my opinion from my observations. Since I don't know any of you, posting my name serves no purpose.

Re: Re: litters at the wrong time of year

An anonymous person wrote:
[I order to "pass" judgment I would have to criticize a breeders post, I'm only forming my opinion from my observations. Since I don't know any of you, posting my name serves no purpose.]

Since the only information in your post specified verbal "strutting" and insinuated some sort of "one upsmanship" being practiced by people you admit NOT knowing, then I think it is safe to say that your entire post (including any name) serves no purpose. If you think stating opinions that are clearly jaundiced and undeserved is NOT passing judgement, then you need to rethink your own motives. Just because YOU would "strut" on such a topic does not mean that others do. You have to stop seeing the world as a mirror of your own petty motivations and realize that there are SERIOUS people around who put the breed ahead of their egos.

Until you are willing to meet people as they are and understand that everyone is motivated differently, you are not likely to get to KNOW most of us any better ...but then, why would you want to?? You are already convinced there are no "genuine" people here. Better leave before we disappoint you

Re: litters at the wrong time of year

"People who advertise Christmas pups are selling for profit, Period"

Thank you and I also agree with that statement. It is different to breed a litter for your own program at any time of the year but to advertise Christmas pups is a profit making move.

I think that's the purpose of the OP, not to tell others when to have a litter. Read what is said, not into it.