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OFA Redo

I have been reading alot about people redoing OFA's. Is there a great chance that they will be different? (beter or worse?) Is this the same for elbows as hips?
Thank you

Re: OFA Redo

Yes results can be quite different. Positioning
is so important and can make all the difference.
I've also heard of friends resubmitting after 6 months, when OFA Vet panel changes, and received better results.

Re: OFA Redo

I've also heard of people redoing them until they get a different rating, ie. more then twice.

Re: OFA Redo

I have never repeated final 2 year OFA's however I have repeated Pre Lims. Did the 1st go round to get a peak at how the joints were forming, re-did them 6-12 months later and have seen them either stay the same or improve. I have also had Pre Lims done with no problems only to fail on finals. UGG... both hip/elbow this happened with. Recently I had a girl who Pre Lim'd excellent move to good on her finals. When I called Dr. K he said he thought they were also "ex" and if I wanted to try again, repeat when the panel changed. I didn't bother, instead I growled at him LOLOLOL

Re: OFA Redo

I know of several folks that have redone hips and gotten a better / higher rating, in these cases it's always been going from using anesthesia to not using flames please just commenting on what I've been told.

Several folks told me that they went from border-line to Fair and from Fair to Good on their males by doing this, as it gave the appearance of tighter fit.

If it's a case of poor positioning etc in the 1st try I say why not try again but if you are slipping into denial and not excepting reality then think again?

Fooling yourself is not doing anyone including yourself a favor?

Re: Re: OFA Redo

I been told by many people and have seen the opposite, people have gotten better results with anesthesia. Elbows seem to change for the better more then hips though.

Re: Re: Re: OFA Redo

I don't see how anesthesia would make a difference on the elbow films since the laxity of the joint is not really questioned. Elbows look bad when schlerotic change is present - the haziness, and when you see other signs of bony change - nothing that anesthesia would affect at all. Hips are different - we are looking at how the joint comes together, and anesthesia can play a role here.

just what my vet told me:O)

Re: OFA Redo

Has anyone heard of elbows changing or just hips? I can see how positioning of the hips would make a difference but with the elbow it is just a matter of bending it. Right?

Re: OFA Redo

We had a puppy get a grade 1 elbow on 12 month prelims. We liked iving with her and ran her on anyway. She passed at 25 months with clear elbows! I had always heard elbows don't change for the better so I called Keller. He assured me she was clean and there was no chance the films were mixed up. I still don't understand.

Re: Re: OFA Redo

When will the OFA demand seeing and MRI of a joiint? It makes perfect sense. Looking in two dimensions at a three dimensional object.

There are WAY too many variables in the process too. Throw science out the window.

Here are just some of the variables which discount the "science":

age of the dog

amount and type of anesthethia

how much rotation given to each joint

not to mention the weight of the dog, amount of muscularity, age (for bitches) as far as coming into season

and on and on

Re: OFA Redo

Would pano have any effect on a reading?

Re: OFA Redo

*I've also heard of people redoing them until they get a different rating, ie. more then twice.*

I'm sure the above comment was not made to make the owner of the dog look questionable, but it reminds me that OFA ratings are so very subjective. Until OFA can solve that problem, I only use the information I get from them as part of the puzzle.