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spinal menengitis

anyone out there ever deal with spinal menengitis in a lab?
Know what causes it?

Re: spinal menengitis

Do you have viral or bacterial meningitis? It makes a difference

Re: spinal menengitis

You may want to contact Judy Heim from Hyspire Labradors, I believe that's what Travis had.

Re: spinal menengitis

Breed specific forms of meningitis generally affect beagles, bernese mountain dogs, pugs and maltese terriers.
A veterinarian must take a spianl tap to determine the cause of the meningitis and this determines the treatment.
Canine Meningitis is the inflammation of the meningeal membrane which surrounds the brain and spinal cord, and which can be secondary to a great number of infections, viral or bacterial diseases, but most often than not, as a result of a meningococcus infection.
The symptoms are generally restlessness and excitement. The animal moves in a bedazzled way, tripping on different objects. You can observe delirious attacks during which the animal can get hurt. The dog's pulse, breathing and almost all his movements are accelerated. The temperature's high and the pupils are dilated. The dog might bark with no apparent reason. After an attack, the animal remains dumbfounded and calm, with his head hanging and his eyes fixed and a (dumbfound) expression on his face. During the course of the disease there is a period of diminished activity, and depression becomes permanent. He only eat the food if it is very near him. The dog has difficulties urinating and defecating. He keeps a fixed position for hours and in some cases he can walk around in circles, rotate on the floor, jump up and down, rests his head on furniture, or lie in an awkward position. There might also be hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of the body) or paraplegia (Paralysis of the lower half of the body -- most often as a result of trauma).

Canine meningitis and meningoencephalomyelitis may occur as a result of infection with bacterial, viral, protozoal, mycotic, rickettsial, or parasitic pathogens. Syndromes of canine meningitis that have no identifiable infectious etiology and are thought to have an immunological basis have also been recognized.

These syndromes are being diagnosed with increasing frequency, and include granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis (GME) and a steroid-responsive aseptic suppurative meningitis of young dogs.

Presently the most common form of meningitis seen in young healthy dogs is the steroid-responsive syndrome. Dr Maurice E White at Cornell wrote a paper on it.

Re: spinal menengitis

apologies for spelling.
A spinal tap will determine the cause.

Re: spinal menengitis

Yes, a few years ago I had aseptic meningitis in one of my girls. Due to the circumstances I did enough research to feel like I went through vet school myself. I ended up working with UNC Vet School and the final prognosis was that it was a reaction to a multi-vaccine shot. The only good news is that $5000 later the dog was fine, but will be on low dose prednisone the rest of her life. It was scary. Good luck.

Re: spinal menengitis

I have 2 friends who have gone through this with their dogs. One is a Toller and one is a Lab. Both cases were thought to be a reaction to a multi-vaccine shot.

Any thoughts about giving puppy shots with just distemper and parvo in the combo? (I have always given the 5-way in the past) When would hepatitis, adenovirus, parainfluenza, and Lepto be added? It has been several years since I have had a litter and things sure have changed. I need to order puppy shots - any recommendations?

Re: spinal menengitis

Darlene, I now do only singles. I space everything out and rabies waits until 6 months. This is an interesting veterinarian response you might enjoy viewing and I also wish I had listened to Dr. Jean Dodds years ago.

Re: spinal menengitis

I have 2 friends who have gone through this with their dogs. One is a Toller and one is a Lab. Both cases were thought to be a reaction to a multi-vaccine shot.

Any thoughts about giving puppy shots with just distemper and parvo in the combo? (I have always given the 5-way in the past) When would hepatitis, adenovirus, parainfluenza, and Lepto be added? It has been several years since I have had a litter and things sure have changed. I need to order puppy shots - any recommendations?

Re: spinal menengitis

OOPS!!! Hit the send button twice


Re: spinal menengitis

Space all the vaccines out.

Re: spinal menengitis

Are you sure that you are not dealing with Lymes?

Re: Re: spinal menengitis


I have a question since you guys are talking about vacs. Would you space out every shot and is it just for puppies or older dogs, too?

I had one of my puppy owners from my last litter (1 1/2 yrs ago) call & tell me about a really bad reaction he had to his shots. Rabies and a Phfizer combo. Next time he should space out the rabies & the combo shot, right?

Just looking for some feedback.


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Replying to:

Space all the vaccines out.