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Supplements and your opinions

I have been here looking for opionions on supplements and what your findings included.

I have tried growing hair on a doorknob - just a sticky expensive doorknob,

I tried DINOVITE - expensive and not palatable - when I got them to eat, no help.

NZYMES - Nothing

OXYDROPS = PH PLEASE - Cockroach powder.

Cleansing (the only thing which was clean was my wallet)

SeaMeal, Fish OIls, Flax Oils - - - nuttin' honey.

Has anyone had ANY success with help for an overly itchy and dull coat?

My hope and love for my girl leads me to the store, but my intelligence, experience and skepticism leads me to believe - it is as good as it gets.

JUST ASKING.........

Let me hear from ya!!!

Re: Supplements and your opinions

What do you feed your dog? It may help to know that before suggesting as you may just need different food.

Re: Supplements and your opinions

High protein dog food. 26% at minimum, preferably 30% or higher. Forget the supplements - they add coat oils, but healthy skin and coat are built with protein.

Re: Supplements and your opinions

I tend to agree with Nancy. I rotate my dog foods so I've seen the differences between a couple of them. Currently, I am feeding EVO Red Meat. Innova makes it. I have been feeding it for about 3 months. My girl's coat has a beautiful sheen to it. She always has had a nice coat but this time it is really glossy. For the itchiness, it may very well be the food, especially if it has wheat, corn or other grains in it. EVO Red Meat is also grain free. Protein is 42% and I believe that the fat is 20%.

Don't be afraid of the costs. It is very nutrient dense and has a good amount of calories. I have a small 60 pound girl and I am feeding her about 1.75 cups a day (and she has even added some weight). Generally, the better foods cost more but you can feed less (and there is usually less waste coming out). Ny next rotation will be to EVO regular (chicken and turkey) and then probably to Orijen.

I too would be interested to see what you are currently feeding. If you post again with that info, I may be able to offer additional comments.

I wish you luck.

Re: Supplements and your opinions

I agree with Nancy
YOu have to change the diet to good quality, high protein. Raw would be excellent but and expensive choice.
My dogs did great on Solid Gold or Eagle Pak
Good Luck

Re: Supplements and your opinions

I think it helps if your Lab spends a good deal of time outside as the temps drop each day.

Re: Supplements and your opinions

JMO...Echoing the above. You are what you eat so feed the best nutritional food that your wallet can stand. Also realize that coat is influenced by genetics and you may not get what you want no matter what you feed. *Deep sigh* I have been there and would have cheerfully paid for "extensions and a weave!" if it would have helped!! Good luck.

Re: Supplements and your opinions

Think about changing the food, as everyone else said. But also think about talking to a canine nutritionist - there may be a protein source which is better for your girl than the one you're currently offering. Sometimes it's more about what the protein is, rather than how much.

My bitch had a dry, dull, dandruffy coat. I put her on EVO with a very high-quality salmon oil and it's much improved.

I'm happy to offer more info if you'd like to email me.

Re: Re: Supplements and your opinions

I put one of my Labs on Eagle Pack Holistic Anchovy. The coat I have is great and the dry itchies have pretty much gone away...can't say much for the fish burps and breath though!

Re: Supplements and your opinions

I agree with hi protein dog food and preferably grain free.

Each dog is different though, as we all know.

If food alone does not do the trick:

I have had success with the following:

Hi doses of vit C to bowel tolerance and 1 tbsp apple cider viniger in food with water added daily for a very itchy dog. Split up the vitamin C into each meal.

Fish oil EPA/DHA can also help or salmon oil. Must give vit. E along with this (200-400ui) if not already in the product to prevent depletion.

Biotin (300mcg) can also help with an itchy coat - must give a b-complex as body will not absorb one B vitamin on its own.

All of this has worked for me and I use human grade vitamins from a quality store (not food store or pharmacy).

I wouldn't hestitate to give a quality live organism probiotic to put good bacteria in the body. Can't hurt.

Re: Supplements and your opinions

Liz, what nutritionist did you use?

Re: Supplements and your opinions

I use a good quality food, and Nupro Silver Formula for all my dogs, young and old alike. (It is a natural enzyme, probiotic, etc...) I give very small amounts to my youngters, and increase it as they get older. They all have beautiful coats, and very few flakes, even in the winter.

Not all things work for all dogs, you just have to try a few different things. Make sure you give what ever you try next time to work. Most people give up too soon, when the dog's body may just be detoxing (flakey/itchy etc...) when you try a new food/supplement. At least a few weeks to a month.

Re: Supplements and your opinions

I agree with giving the dog time to get rid of the bad/detox.

I have a good 10 day detox diet with raw beef (you can cook it) and homemade lactofermented veggies if you want the recipe email me. This recipe is from one of our pup buyers who is a holistic author for cats and dogs and contributor to Whole Dog Journal.

Re: Re: Supplements and your opinions

She's a nutritionist/acupuncturist. Email me for contact info - I'd rather not give it out worldwide :)

Re: Supplements and your opinions

I am a canine nutritionist, and also was hired to come in and write all the training information for a company called NuVet in CA. (NuVet canine plus supplement) I'd be happy to answer any question s (if I am able)

It seems like there are two camps of thought out there on supplementation, the same as you will find regarding supplementation with humans.

Re: Re: Supplements and your opinions

Thanks to all.

FOOD? I have only fed SOLID GOLD, EAGLE, CANIDAE or INNOVA, (tired ABADAY) .

It is not the food, thanks for the suggestion.

Looking for more personal experiences with supplements.

Re: Supplements and your opinions

It seems that all the foods you have tried have protein less 26%. Have you tried a higher protein food?

Re: Endurance supplement

You could try this:

or this:

The first one was the original version and was sold by PHD Products at one time. It was developed by Wendy Volhard. I am not sure what happened but they are no longer selling it and came out with their own new and improved version. You can read more about it here:

I can say that I have just started using it on one of my dogs that has been a constant shedder and the improvement in the coat was noticable within a few days. I purchased it from the 1st link. Also check here for other info on it:

Re: Re: Endurance supplement

I have given Endurance. What I've noticed is that it really peps up my 3-year old girl.

But sometimes I wonder if I'm giving too many supplements. I feed a high-quality food (currently EVO Red Meat) that is really good nutritionally. I wonder if I am overdoing it by adding too much and badly offsetting the balance that is contained in the kibble.

As an anecdote, I have a friend that has been feeding Canidae to her lab girl for a long time. Girl had ear problems. When the Endurance was added, the ears cleared up, pretty much completely. I myself have fed Canidae with the Endurance and didn't get the same results. My friend's girl is gorgeous.

Why do we love these dogs so much?? It often seems as if it is I jumping through the hoops and not them.

I am certainly a well-trained owner.

Re: Re: Re: Endurance supplement

I am pretty sure you can buy Endurance from the Volhard website.

Re: Re: Re: Supplements and your opinions

I guess you never got your question answered, everyone talked about food. I was offering to talk about supplements.
Happy to help. Don't know if you really ever got any good input from the forum.

I recommend you contact the company directly for info on the NuVet supplement, I'm sure there are others out there, but this is the only one I have actually done the research with the vet who originally formulated it. All human grade ingredients.

There is also a good book I can recommend to get you started, called "the Nature of Animal Healing" by Martin Goldstein, D.V.M. I'm sure there are many others available through amazon.
I have used herbs, nutritional supplements and natural rememdies for my family and my pets for almost 22 years.
The latest example I have of a stud dog who had totally lost his "drive", and I used "horney goat weed" supplement, and within literally hours, he was back to his old self. That stuff is amazing.

It is a growing trend/field, and there is a lot of research to be done. The medical field is slow to adopt the philosophy of natural healing, as always, when profits are at stake. But of course, people could accuse the supplement companies of the same thing, have to come to your own conclusions.
I recommend doing your research and coming up with your own opinions. That is the best way.

Re: Supplements and your opinions

Animal Naturals has great supplements. I'm currently using Puppy Gold, Show Stopper and Young At Heart depending on age and requirements.

Great stuff for working dogs as well!