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TTA Cruciate repair

Has anyone has experience with the 'new' method of repairing cruciates called TTA. It is supposedly less invasive than TPLO?

Re: TTA Cruciate repair

Yes my 10 year old 72lb yellow girl had TTA surgery on April 9th. She stayed overnight at the surgical center and came home the next day with a pressure bandage and pain patch. Be sure the surgeon you use has been certified to perform TTA surgery and ask how many they have performed.

The most important thing is to keep the dog quiet and confined and follow the rehab schedule the surgeon recommends. We have never gone through TPLO but I was quite impressed on how fast my girl was up and walking off of her toes.

Re: TTA Cruciate repair

Yes, one of my puppy adopters just had the Tubial Tuberosity Advancement done on their 26 month old boy. They were very pleased with the surgery and said their boy was up and walking, putting weight on his leg as soon as they got him home. He did stay 7 full days at the hospital just becasue both of his owners work and wanted the extra therapy done at the hospital that first week.

Here is a link to this prodcedure and the Dr who has been teaching it to other vets around the United States.

Re: TTA Cruciate repair

While researching it I have found lots of good info on the procedure and recovery. Now how to find a experienced surgeon in the midwest. Alamada east in CO and Dr. Mayo in Seattle look incredible- I guess if I can't find something in midwest I may be using vacation for a long road trip. I like the fact that the stifle angle is not changed with the TTA and recovery is faster due to less invasive procedure.

Re: Re: TTA Cruciate repair

Hi Breeeeeeeder!! Why don't you call Dr Mayo up here in Seattle and ask him if he knows of any vets in your area he could recommend. He's been traveling around quite a bit in the past few years so he's gotten to know some of the better trained vets, I would think anyway.

Re: Re: TTA Cruciate repair

Sorry I can't help you with a surgeon as I am in the Connecticut and the Northeast and used Dr. Jeffrey Berzon

I can't remember the ortho yahoo list I was on but if Laura is reading this she may be able to point you to it. Anyhow, once on the list you can ask about surgeons in your area who perform TTA's.

Re: Re: TTA Cruciate repair

CLINICAL EXPERIENCE (Copied off of Dr Mayo's webpage)
Having performed both procedures, the author finds the TTA to be technically easier to perform than the TPLO. Now having performed over 200 procedures around the United States since early 2004, the complication rate seems to be related to technique. Thorough examination of the joint, either by arthroscopy or arthrotomy, is a must to evaluate medial meniscus health. Placement of the osteotomy is forgiving, but the fork and tension band plate must be placed accurately to avoid fragmentation of the bone postoperatively.

Re: TTA Cruciate repair

I suggest going to Dr. Cook at the University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, teaching hospital. I hear he's doing a brand new procedure - not sure what it is - I think he also does the TTA as well as the TPLO. Very happy with his skills and since it's a teaching hospital, prices are reasonable as well (TPLO was $1900 last year).

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