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Natural remedy to keep ticks off?

I am so sick of having to use chemicals on y dogs! How to I keep ticks off naturally please?

Re: Natural remedy to keep ticks off?

Here's one.

And another

Re: Natural remedy to keep ticks off?

guinea fowl if you can own them

Re: Natural remedy to keep ticks off?
Check under dog products also, they have chewables or smaller sized granual containers (1 pound).

Re: Natural remedy to keep ticks off?

Natural remedies can be just as harmful as chemical ones. Guinea fowl as already mentioned would be your safest way.

Re: Re: Natural remedy to keep ticks off?

How can natural remedies be as harmful as chemicals? I don't know of any oil or herb whose package advises not to get it on your hands like Frontline does.

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Replying to:

Natural remedies can be just as harmful as chemical ones. Guinea fowl as already mentioned would be your safest way.

Re: Re: Re: Natural remedy to keep ticks off?

What is wrong with Frontline. I have 3 dogs within a month of 12 years old. Always used it on them. No cancer, no skin problems. No fleas or tick either. Use it when the girls are in whelp also.

Re: Re: Natural remedy to keep ticks off?

OMG, Guinea fowl would never last here

Re: Natural remedy to keep ticks off?

I use Frontline when needed; but sometimes natural products are as harmful as chemicals. (I'm sure this is not what you meant) but snake venom is all natural and probably organic, but ingesting it can cause lots of damage (and possibly kill). Natural remedies can be helpful, but make sure you read up about them; not all are put through such stringent testing and checkpoints as chemicals are and side effects or even the efficacy of the natural products are unknown.

Re: Natural remedy to keep ticks off?

Okay, this might be ridiculous, but check out an all-natural lice repellant for children. It's herb-based. Too expensive for dogs, but maybe the ingredients could give you a guideline as to what to look for??

Re: Natural remedy to keep ticks off?

I love the guinea fowl. The only ones the dogs have killed were the ones dumb enough to get inside the kennel runs and even then, the dogs didn't kill them, just carried them around - I rescued them, but they later died from shock or whatever.

The guineas have definitely kept the tick population down here - I don't use Frontline and I might have picked 2 ticks off the dogs last year. But you need acreage for the birds - they range pretty far, which is why they are useful for eating the ticks.

Re: Re: Natural remedy to keep ticks off?

I use citranella oil and water mixture and even when I lived in WV I never had a problem works as a great replent, can be a a bit oil feeling to us but makes dogs smell nice and keeps all kinds of bugs away even flies, ticks fleas and a host of others. to me better the n putting chemicals on.
since I have used this I have never had a problem.

Re: Re: Re: Natural remedy to keep ticks off?

On my horse I use a mixture of listerine diluted with water. Not the minty listerine, the original flavor. I don't know what is in that repels ticks, but it couldn't hurt.

Re: Natural remedy to keep ticks off?

here's one from another list that you might like: "Natural flea remedy.
Take a BIG fat lemon (the more rind the better) and slice it
> paper thin. Put in a bowl with a tablespoon of crushed rosemary
> leaves (or a
> 6 inch sprig of fresh). Pour over with a quart of hot, near boiling
> water. Let steep overnight. Strain and put into a large spray bottle.
> Keep in
> fridge. Shake well before applying.

The d-lemeone in this spray along with the rosemary oil will give
> your dog a beautiful shiny coat and keep fleas and other bugs away
> .. including mosquitoes, so you get extra heartworm protection. If
> your dog has dry skin or allergies add a
> teaspoon of tea tree oil and a tablespoon of Aloe pulp.
> Use the spray at least twice a week to keep the scent on the coat to
> repel bugs,
> and spray it around your doors and through the carpets. If it's a bad
> flea time, spray daily on the belly and feet to repel them.
> This has worked wonders for us for many years. Not only for the
> dogs, but for us when we go hiking or walking in the woods. No bug will
> get near this stuff. And, of course, it's all natural"

Re: Natural remedy to keep ticks off?

My holistic vet suggested I use Neem spray. I use the one made by Ark Naturals.