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Polly Burkhardt

It is with sadness I bring you the news that Polly Burkhardt of Classique Labradors passed away this morning around 5 a.m. She went quitely and in her sleep without too much discomfort. I look at my life in labradors and Polly has been such a part of it. I can only hope to do her proud as I continue on. Polly was a cherished friend, mentor, partner, I will miss her beyond words...

Re: Polly Burkhardt

I am so sorry. My deepest sympaties to all who knew and loved her.

Re: Re: Polly Burkhardt

I am so sorry for this loss, Polly was a kind soul ,who always had a smile for everyone. My sympathy to her family and friends.

Re: Polly Burkhardt

We knew this was coming but that doesn't make it any easier. Polly was truly blessed to have you as her friend, Debbie. We know you made her last months full of hope and love. We are glad she passed peacefully and not in pain. Our prayers are with you and Polly's family.

Re: Re: Polly Burkhardt

Prayers go out to her family at this very difficult time.

Re: Polly Burkhardt

How sad! Sending prayers for Polly and everyone she touched in her life. Godspeed Polly!

Re: Polly Burkhardt

Debbie thank you for taking the time to post this sad news. It is good that she went relatively peacefully.
She was special.
Your wonderful friendship was the kind that everyone would strive for. There is NO doubt that you will do her proud.
My deepest condolences to you and her family.
God Bless!!

Re: Re: Polly Burkhardt

Oh Debbie,
I'm so sorry for the loss of Polly...she was a kind soul...
Bless you all.

Re: Re: Re: Polly Burkhardt

One of the Good and Kind people in the Labrador world. I'm sorry...........

Re: Re: Re: Re: Polly Burkhardt

My deepest condolences to you and Polly's family. I'm so sorry.

Re: Polly Burkhardt

my sincere condolences.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Polly Burkhardt

Debbie, please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and her family. Thank you for being so strong through all of this.
God bless......

Re: Polly Burkhardt

Thank you Debbie for letting us know. I had really only met Polly at the Winnebago show and then at the get together. She was truly a wonderful person and I am so glad that I got to meet her and you and too get to share some fun time with you two. You and Polly are truly remarkable people. My prayers for Polly and too her family.

Re: Re: Polly Burkhardt

My deepest sympathy to you Debbie and to Polly's family. My prayers are with you. Godspeed Polly...

Re: Polly Burkhardt

This is so sad, I was out walking the dogs just an hour ago wondering how she was doing. She certainly will be missed by all. My condolences to her family. Life just doesn't seem fair sometimes.

Godspeed Polly....................................

Re: Polly Burkhardt

So very sorry to hear this, she bred some wonderful dogs and was a help to all who came to her... may she rest in peace and be with her beloved Bernie and the rest that went before her.

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Replying to:

It is with sadness I bring you the news that Polly Burkhardt of Classique Labradors passed away this morning around 5 a.m. She went quitely and in her sleep without too much discomfort. I look at my life in labradors and Polly has been such a part of it. I can only hope to do her proud as I continue on. Polly was a cherished friend, mentor, partner, I will miss her beyond words...

Re: Polly Burkhardt

I am so sorry to hear this. She will be missed and was blessed to have you as a friend.

Re: Polly Burkhardt

I was thinking just a couple of days ago that I hadn't seen an update on Polly in a while. She was one of the kindest people - Godspeed, Polly. Our deepest sympathy to her family - and to you, Debbie.

Re: Re: Polly Burkhardt

Dear Debbie!
Our deepest sympathy to you and to Debbie's family.
JL & Mado

Re: Polly Burkhardt

I am VERY sorry about Polly. I know she was a great friend to you....Bridget

Re: Re: Polly Burkhardt

Debbie, called me this morning with this very sad news. My first beginning in conformation labradors was from Polly's Classique's Fire and Ice " Bernie " We went to many shows together (Debbie, Joni, and Susan) and always had tons of fun.

Sorry to hear of such a wonderful person go, but atleast she didn't suffer and was able to visit with friends and able to hit a couple more specialties... it was great to see her.

You will missed deeply, with thoughts of you at all the future specialties watching us all.

Re: Polly Burkhardt

So sorry to hear the sad news.

Re: Polly Burkhardt

Such terribly sad and upsetting news. A tragic loss to the world of labradors and the world at large.

We send all our love, prayers and good wishes to Polly's family and her Friends.

This is such a loss.

Godspeed to you Polly - we will always cherish our memories and friendship.

Re: Polly Burkhardt

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.
In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that, I am going to prepare a place for you?
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.
Where (I) am going you know the way.
Thomas said to him, "Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?"
Jesus said to him, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14: 1-6

Polly was always Encouraging with kind and thoughtful words and that humble smile. Debbie thanks for having Me and Joan over it was incredible to see her Smile in the mist of her Battle. Blessings to the Burkhardts and all who knew her.

J Saldana,

Re: Polly Burkhardt

I am glad she passed peacefully, she will be missed. Our prayers are with you and Polly's family. Thank you for being there for her. Susan

Re: Polly Burkhardt

My deepest condolences to Polly's family and to you Debbie.

Re: Polly Burkhardt

I met Polly and "Jesse"the same day over 20 years ago. Together they hooked me on Lab love forever. Now I see her hugging his big old yellow neck and grinning sitting on the rainbow bridge. And that beats a National Specialty win any day. I know we will all miss her. Debbie my heart is with you too.