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Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

Has anyone used something other then a Heating Lamp for the whelping box? We have just discovered that our outlets won’t hold a 250V heating lamp without out over loading the circuit. (very old house) We tried a 75W, but it's useless unless it’s right on top of the thermometer, it doesn’t do a thing. Any ideas? I though about a heating blanket or heating pad. Has anyone used these before? The heat pad is covered so I wouldn’t need wash is as much. I’m expecting pups in a week, and I’m ever so glade that I am doing a trail run with all of my equipment. I’m worried that a heating blanket or pad won’t supply the heat required. Any suggestion are greatly appreciated. Thank-you.

Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

I use the heat lamp from Durawhelp. But, it is basically just a ceramic heater for reptiles. Works great, and throws no light. I wouldn't use anything else!

Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

We use a heat lamp, but we use a flood light bulb, 100 watts, we have an old house also. Works fine, puppies go under it if they want and keeps box warm and dry. I usually hang it about 28 inches over the box too one side.

Snuggle Safe Microdisc

Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

Snuggle Safe disk.

Re: Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

I have NEVER used a heat lamp. I use a Kane heat mat, so the heat is from underneath. They were originally designed for farrowing units (pigs). they are sturdy, easy to clean and have a thermostat.

If the pups are too warm, they swiggle off and you know to turn it down. It also allows cool zones in the whelping box for the bitch so she isn't under the heat lamp when she is with the pups. I place my Kane mat in the middle of the box, so mom can lie on either side of it.

Made in Iowa. Just search for Kane heat mat and it should come up.


Re: Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

I used Snuggle Safe disks for my last litter that was born in February (in Utah) and loved them!


Snuggle Safe

Check out the prices on -- they were the least expensive that I could find at the time. They also came with fleece covers.

One work of caution...although they didn't heat up with the recommended time, be careful when putting it in for more time. Just go a few seconds at a time -- the outside case will melt if it gets too hot!


Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

I use the reptile ceramic heat thing also - originally got the Durawhelp version. But you could make a cheaper version using a work light from Home Depot, and the reptile heat source from Petsmart, and then some way to hang it, and you'll be fine.

I will never use a light bulb again - one of my bitches got a circular burn on her rear and killed one of her pups at the same time, I guess thinking the pain was from the pup. She backed into the light bulb. I have photos.

You only need the heat for a couple of days anyway. The pups will start crying and spreading out when they get too hot. You want the temperature in the room to be such that the pups tend to sleep in a pile. Makes it easier for Mom to avoid stepping or lying on one.

Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

I use a Kane mat as well. I've had mine for over 10 years and it is still like new. They are also waterproof and the cord comes with a heavy wire coil covering. They come in many shapes and sized so surf around a bit til you find what you need.

Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

Thank you ever so much I do have a snuggle safe. For those who used them, how many do you put into a whelping box? I will also look into the kane mat. I will sleep better tonight knowing that I have alternatives

Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

I have used 1-2, but honestly my two litters were always too warm and rarely used them. I never used the heat lamp or they would cry bloody murder. And I am in the northeast, not the deep south. I used frozen water bottles and wash cloths more then my snuggle safe LOL!

Good luck.

Re: Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

My litters are right in the house and only need heat the first 3 days anyway. Never use a heat lamp. They scare me a little. Have the little disc and like those. Have put a heating pad right in the corner of the box. The pups seem to find it.

Re: Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

My litters are right in the house and only need heat the first 3 days anyway. Never use a heat lamp. They scare me a little. Have the little disc and like those. Have put a heating pad right in the corner of the box. The pups seem to find it.

Re: Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

I have used the Snuggle Safe with the fleece cover under the whelping box fleece. I usually use two for larger for smaller. I love them.


Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

I use a couple of heating pads....put them right under the fleece pad....I put one on very low and one on medium heat....Mom and pups can position themselves where ever they are comfortable. I tried the heat lamp a few years was too warm and the Mom hated the intense light.

Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

Speaking of light - another benefit of the ceramic reptile heater is that it emits no light. Just heat.

Re: Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

I use a blue or green 100 watt flood light. I place it where the temp in one end of the whelping box will be the temp I want and keep the room around 75 degrees. The colored floods give off less glare. My vet doesn't like any type of heating pads because it causes the capillaries to come to the surface. I know that sunlamp types of bulbs can damage the cornea of the eye as this happened to a bady sitter I once had. She burned the corneas of her eyes by using a sun lamp. Ellie

Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

I've never had any success with additional heat other than turning up the thermostat for the first couple of days here in the Mid-Atlantic States. My babies cry and cry if it's too hot. Seems that mom keeps them warm, their shear numbers keep them warm or they pile up to compensate. They seem more comfortable that way than with another heat source.

Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

I used the Snuggle Safe heat discs in the whelping box. They seemed to be to hot with a heat lamp but all piled around and on the the discs.

Re: Heating Source for Newborns other then a Heating Lamp

I use the electric metal heating pad (covered with fleece.) Available from JB or Pet Edge. I keep it on the side of the whelping box. If they need to be warmer - they move towards it, or if Mom has to leave the box, I place them on it. Allows each of the puppies to decide how warm they want to be.