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Classique's Fire and Ice

Does anyone have a picture of this dog ??

Re: Classique's Fire and Ice

google brings link to his page right up.........

Re: Classique's Fire and Ice

Re: Classique's Fire and Ice

I've got a picture of him on my webpage for my girl Brooke who I had brought in her mother Chillybleak Southbound pg bred to Bernie. Boy didn't that dog produce some really nice coats and puppies for me in that litter.

Re: Re: Classique's Fire and Ice

One of my all time favorite boys. A beautiful dog.

Re: Re: Re: Classique's Fire and Ice

Just wanted to say how nice it is to hear such wonderful things about "Bernie". You all probably don't realize that I co-bred him and that most of what I love in my kennel today, goes back to his litter sister, my CH Huntcrest Little Mermaid. Some lovely genes there, and I was lucky to have the opportunity to share in a nice breeding with Polly Burkhardt and her "Val". Thanks for the comments about "Bernie", he was a grand dog.


Leslee Weiner-Pope
Huntcrest Kennels

Re: Re: Re: Re: Classique's Fire and Ice

I for one didn't realize that you co bred him, kudo to you he produced some lovely puppies for me with great temperments, I even had one fox red pup in the litter but she didn't make the grade for a show dog.

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Replying to:

Just wanted to say how nice it is to hear such wonderful things about "Bernie". You all probably don't realize that I co-bred him and that most of what I love in my kennel today, goes back to his litter sister, my CH Huntcrest Little Mermaid. Some lovely genes there, and I was lucky to have the opportunity to share in a nice breeding with Polly Burkhardt and her "Val". Thanks for the comments about "Bernie", he was a grand dog.


Leslee Weiner-Pope
Huntcrest Kennels