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Supplements with ED

For a year old dog with elbow dysplasia, would GlycoFlex III and 1000 mg of Vitamin C be too much for him daily? He is about 75 lbs

Re: Supplements with ED

I think it might be too much Vitamin C. If the dogs starts having runs, decrease Vitamin C.

Re: Re: Supplements with ED

Also MSM 1000 mg works very well. My mare had a bone spur in her hock found when we x-rayed her and my vet told me to start her on MSM at the double dosage for 3 weeks and then go to regular dose(same for dogs)
Within 2 weeks on it she was moving without any hitch in her gait and stayed sound and pain free for many years. Plus her hooves and coat were amazing!!!

Re: Supplements with ED

You also may want to try Cosequin in combination with the GlycoFlex III.

Re: Supplements with ED

I have a boy with OCD. This summer, he began showing pain. As he's fairly young, I didn't necessarily want to go to drugs. Another breeder suggested I try

The difference is incredible. He was back out in the field this weekend and came home with nary a limp. I can't recommend it enough.

Re: Supplements with ED

? - You may find that Cosequin/Glycoflex works better when the system is primed with Adequan. Talk to your vet about putting your dog on Adequan and the pills for some time and then removing the Adequan. According to Chris Zink, the Adequan primes the system and allows for better absorbtion of the pill form.

Also, there is a new product out there called Dasaquin that apparantly has some good data behind it. It also comes with MSM in it.

If you can find a good holistic/Chiropractic vet in your area, they can also help with educating you about natural anti-inflammatories such as Fish Oil.



Re: Supplements with ED

Wow!! Thank you all so very much!! I really appreciate it!!!!

Re: Re: Supplements with ED

My girl who had surgery for FCP is on 1500/1200 mg of Glucosamin/Chondrotin (human variety), 1000 mg of MSM (also human), and 2 pills daily of Glycoflex. She's been doing the best I have seen her over the last four years with all the other brands and combos we've tried....

Re: Supplements with ED

Jen, would that be GlycoFlex III?

Re: Supplements with ED

My old girl had arthritis and hi doses of Vit. C to bowel tollerance helped her. 1000 mg will not give most dogs diarrhea.

Slowly increase the amount and if loose stool cut back to last dose for 3-5 days and try the increase again. My girl was on about 6000mg per day.

Vit. C makes the body produce natural steroids which work as an anti-inflamatory.

DLPA is a natural pain reducer - makes the body produce more endorphins. I also used this on my arthritic girl and for my back problems with good results. google DLPA for lots of info on it.