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Virginia Animal bills

ACTION REQUEST: Two Bad Animal Bills Scheduled for 8:30 AM 1/16/2008

Dear Virginia Friends,

Two very ill considered House animal bills will be heard in the House
Agriculture Committee at 8:30 AM tomorrow, 1/16/2008. It's imperative
that you be in House Room C of the General Assembly building to
testify in opposition to HB434 and HB691, or take the time between
now and 5:00 PM this afternoon to contact the committee members and
voice your concerns. Such short notice alerts are common in our very
fast moving legislature. The system benefits the aggressive and
organized animal rights activists who want to change your status as a
pet owner. Please do your part - most VA bills become law, unless a
strong objection is heard. We need to kill these bills in order to
slow down the nearly two dozen which follow them. Anyone wishing to
speak at the hearing, please call me at 540-543-2312.

VHDOA's General Assembly hot-linked contact page has been
preprogrammed for your use. Please use the HOUSE Agriculture
Committee member list.

HB464 Humane investigators; appointment by circuit court.
David Albo
Summary: Restores the humane investigator program to its pre-2003
status. In 2003, the law was amended to limit (i) the number of
humane investigators to those currently serving and (ii) the number
of programs to those currently in operation. The 2003 bill allowed
those appointed prior to July 1, 2003, to be reappointed for three-
year terms. This bill removes the limitations placed on the program
by the 2003 law. (VVAW Bill)
VHDOA comment: Reinstitutes an animal rightist volunteer vigilante
force whose authority had previously sunsetted.

HB691 Animal control officers; inspection of breeding facilities.
Ward Armstrong
Summary: Requires an animal control officer to make quarterly
inspections of any premises in his jurisdiction where dealers breed
companion animals. The animal control officer will ensure that
dealers comply with state and federal standards for sanitation,
licensure, and adequate care.
VHDOA comment: This bill language makes *every* dog and cat seller in
Virginia subject to quarterly inspections, without requiring due
cause or a warrant.
VA Code: "Dealer" means any person who in the regular course of
business for compensation or profit buys, sells, transfers,
exchanges, or barters companion animals. The following shall not be
considered dealers: (i) any person who transports companion animals
in the regular course of business as a common carrier, or (ii) any
person or organization whose primary purpose is to find permanent
adoptive homes for companion animals.
Further, while USDA has 60 pages of regulations detailing precise
animal care requirements, Virginia has none. How can ACOs do federal
inspections when they can't do their normal jobs and aren't
sufficiently trained for those? Whose inspection result governs, if
federal inspectors and VA ACOs disagree? This is extraordinarily bad,
poorly crafted, ill-considered legislation.

Please cross post and forward this Action Request widely. Time is of
the essence.

Bob Kane, President
Virginia Hunting Dog Owners' Association
Chairman Emeritus, Sportsmen and Animal Owners' Voting Alliance