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Link to interesting article on "Dogspeak"

I thought this article was both interesting and confirming.

I'll bet alot of you "know" your dogs particular barks and what they mean.

I even had a year old calf once and he had a certain moo's for certan things. For instance, I could always tell when my kids went over the river bank to fish, he would moo, or maybe "bellar" is a better word, a specific moo. The kids thought I was nuts until I proved it to them. One day my oldest son came in and asked where his brother was, I said, "Well the calf is telling me he's over the river bank, listen to his moo." I got this horrified "My mom is losing it and going psycho" look from him. But it's true, his moo's at feeding time, or when I came home from work, or if kids rode by on horses, all had a different pitch to them.

Weird huh? It's alot easier to distinguish dog barks for me though. How about you?

Valerie - Bibsmom