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Dark colored colostrum?

I have a friend with an Aussie bitch who is due to whelp a singleton (by c-section) in a couple of days. This bitch has developed (during a post breeding check at about 2 week post breeding) lumps along the line of mammary glands. The mammary glands were not swollen, nor affected at all, only small lumps between some of them. Vet said possibly caused by hormone changes. She is an older bitch.

When the bitch was shaved for a sonogram they noticed the mammary glands were expressing a brown colored colostrum from all but the 2 upper most breasts. The vet cultured the brown fluid and did not find any bacteria or other issues. However, I am wondering if anybody has had this come up in any of their bitches. The two smaller, upper most (towards the head of the bitch) are expressing the normal colored colostrum. We have great concern about letting the whelp suckle the brown discharge.

Thanks for your responses,