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12 secrets to Dog Happines

"12 Secrets to Dog Happiness":

Dogs are happy because they believe that...

1. Everyone has the potential to be a good person (or dog)
2. You are never too old to make new friends
3. It doesn't matter what you did in the past It matters only what you do now
4. Regrets don't do any good just live for today
5. That one should try to be happy every day
6. You are never too old to play
7. Food is a very good thing
8. Treats are a really, really good thing
9. Massages are the best relaxation
10. Money doesn't buy you love
11. One good toy is better than 10 bad toys
12. You don't need money to be happy

I think we can all learn something from this list. We would be happier if we really lived by some of these " dog secrets".