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May be cross-posted. Sue)

The Michigan Association for Pure Bred Dogs has just added an
interesting interactive 10-question quiz to their website that
everyone should take. We have heard so much misinformation from the
AR folks about animal research over the years that when we see the
real facts it is sometimes quite a revelation. I know I was surprised
with some of the facts, as opposed to AR fiction! Another
interesting thing about this quiz is that MAPBD has given permission
for anybody to copy the quiz for free and send it on to others or put
it on their own web sites if they want. We need more of this, that's
for sure, as the ARs have become expert in packaging attractive media
and the rest of us have to catch up with our message as well. If
anybody is interested, the url is:

Anne M. Hier
Dog Shows Then and Now:An Annotated Anthology