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caution: don't let your labby domain expire

I stumbled on this and figured I would share it as so many of us have websites. It's a program sold for a small fee to find expiring domains. Once someone else has yours they can ask any price they feel it's worth or use it for advertising.

Once they expire, the first person to purchase the domain has it. They can use it for anything just to get hits. Make sure you don't lose yours by forgetting to pay when it's due, even by a day.

Name: Expired Domain Pool
Version: 1.511

"Brief Description: Powerful software to find Expiring Domains. Expired domains with expired traffic can have huge value from link popularity.
Key Features: Get expiring domains in next 6 days.
Get more than 100 thousands domains every time.
Output to ACCESS file or TXT file.
Download expiring domains with special begin character.

Description: Powerful software to find Expiring Domains. Expired domains with expired traffic can have huge value from link popularity."