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A lab gift for the humans

I recieved a very nice lab gift for christmas. That actually looks like one.This is made out solid Beeswax and then fused with Cinnamon. So if you love Cinnamon as it fills your home with it. This is not a candle. She does not have a website. I can send you a pix if your interested.

Since I'm a Chocoholic thats what I got.But I just bought one for my dog sitter. Which is Black.
They sell as ornament.But to me is to big for that. So its just on a shelf. Bout 6" L by 4" high.?
The Yellow labs are just a natural beeswax color. The black and chocolate are those colors. With a kerchief.

Here is the address if your interested
Cinnamon Treasures Apiaries
Sandy Prettyman
Georgetown, De
Paid $13.50 w/shipping.