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Washington State "Lablady"

In Sandpoint ID today, I saw a car with a Washington License plate that said "lablady". There were decal footprints on the window and a chocolate Lab sticker. Also a bumper sticker that said something like 'co-piloted by dog'. Obviously a Lab nut like myself, I left my business card on the window with a note saying that I had seen the license and thought I should at least say hello. It was raining today, and I am willing to bet that my card turned to a blur of ink on that window. I didn't want the person to think a nutcase left a note on their window and they couldn't figure out who it was. In the off chance "lablady" reads this forum, yes, a nutcase did leave the note. *I* am the nutcase who was just happy to see another "lablady" in town.
