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Re: Seizure, heat stroke, EIC

Veterinarians cannot directly diagnose epilepsy. They will say a dog is epileptic if all tests for other causes find nothing and there is a HISTORY OF 3 SEIZURES. So for now, you should pull the dog from stud service. If he is a kennel dog, seizures can be problematic. Most seizures are not witnessed by the owners. You might consider making him an inside dog so you can keep better track of him. Good luck!

And get the EIC test to rule that out.

DITTO THIS! I have an epileptic dog (Maltese). I witnessed one seizure in the late summer/early fall of 2009. In Feb 2010 I saw three in one week. But as I look back I think he had been having them for maybe the all of 2009 but we were just not seeing them (happening while at work).
One seizure or 5 I would NEVER breed a dog who has had even one!!!!!! Just because you only witnessed one does not mean it is the only one.
There is nothing more horrific than watching your dog seize!

Re: Seizure, heat stroke, EIC

* They are being advertised by their owners as EIC clears, and I was told personally by this dog's breeder that they both are. I could look up the white list to see. And no I have not retested him, but could for cross reference, more knowledge etc. So far, I trust the EIC tests, I am sure there are errors for different reasons, but overall, a great tool!
THANK YOU for all of your insight, I hope someday there are more tests, ie epilepsy markers for us to be able to know alot more!

There is NO WHITE LIST for EIC. There is a White List for CNM which is a different genetic condition with similiar symptoms. Are you sure you are not confusing the two.

Re: Seizure, heat stroke, EIC

Yes I know cnm has a white list, my typed mistake, and I looked in the OFA database for his parents results. Thanks for making sure.