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Winnie Limbourne

Most of you will remember in '04 when I dedicated my Lab Quarterly article to the memory of Ginger Campbell. I would like to do the same for Winnie Limbourne. I want to dedicate my article to Winnie's life and her impact on Labradors, and I need your help. My deadline for the summer issue, ironically the stud issue, is looming. If you would like to share some stories, memories, photos and thoughts, I would be honored to present them in the Lab Quarterly.
I need to hear from you by the end of May. If you have photos that you are unable to digitize for use in an email you can snail mail photos to me.
My contact info is as follows.
Laura Berger
7670 Terrace St.
Ferndale, WA 98248

Thank you to all in advance.

Laura Berger