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Stud Finder hips

We have most of the search criteria defined for the new stud finder feature. The one area that needs input is how to refine the hip search. Users will be able to select a "minimum" status. In hips, this is defined using the most common format for USA users- OFA. The choices at this time are "Excellent", "Good", "Fair", "Borderline" or "PennHIP only". Each if these is pretty self-explanatory. So, dogs that are OFA excellent or foreign equivalent would be listed if you choose "excellent". They would also be listed along with the good-rated dogs if you choose "good" - because they are AT LEAST good. All fair, good and excellent would be listed of you choose "fair". The foreign equivalencies are pretty well established by OFA and the other hip schemes and will be listed for ease of use.

The problem we would like advice about is how to categorize PennHIP ratings. There is a separate choice if you want ONLY PennHIP rated dogs listed. However, if you would like PennHIP evaluated dogs to be returned in searches using the other choices, we would like to reach a consensus on what DI scores should be included in each of the OFA-type ratings. Yes, we know there is a difference, but for general use, what range of DI scores would loosely be considered "excellent"? Which ones "good", "fair" or "borderline"? Right and left hip scores are currently shown in LabraData as a range of DI ratings with 0.5 differences - >.30, .30<>.35, etc. Where would users suggest the "break" be for each of the choices?

Please do not use this as a referendum for glorifying or demonizing either of the current US schemes. LabraData is a service organization and would like to provide the most meaningful data service for the Labrador community. All scoring systems are included, but grouping the data for service to the users requires picking some common denominators. Help us make the data useful for everyone.