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Strangles and seasons?

I was in at the vet recently with a young pup who has a case of the Puppy Strangles.

My vet made a comment about how he's always watchful for this in the summertime. He notices a dramatic increase in Strangles in summer puppies.

Just wondering, if you've had a case or two, was it during the summer? He did say that its not unheard of in the winter, just more of a summer problem. The last time I had strangles it was in May. This time in July. A quick search here on the forum and sure enough, most of the threads are from the summer months.

Any winter experiences out there?

Re: Strangles and seasons?

The only litter I ever had it with was over 3 years ago and it was a winter litter, they were born in November. Only 3 puppies were affected, of course one being one that was supposed to be shipped, so had to wait and also we waited on the vaccines as well.

I've never had it before or since and luckily the puppies weren't very sick, I caught it right away after I saw a couple of spots in some ears,when I noticed a "pimple" on one of the puppies bellies, and I knew it wasn't mosquito bites as the puppies hadn't been around bugs.The vet presribed Clavamox for them and it cleared relatively quickly. I've seen strangles in horses and I really was glad the puppies didn't get to that point.

Re: Strangles and seasons?

My one case of strangles was in August.

Re: Strangles and seasons?

One case--January

Re: Strangles and seasons?

6 out of 8...started in June with one puppy then another 5 beginning of July 2010.

Re: Strangles and seasons?

Mine was Dec./Jan. only time, thank goodness.

Re: Strangles and seasons?

We had cases of it from different breedings AND at different times of the year.

It is caused by the combo Lepto shot. Don't let the vet give this shot and make sure to tell your pet people not to let them give it. We quit giving this shot and the puppies have not had an episode.....

Just sold a puppy recently that the vet gave the shot, after we told them over and over not to give it and BOOM Puppy strangles.

Sold another puppy and the people said not to give it and the vet said it was a virus... Lepto is NOT a virus it is a bacteria that can be contracted in dirty water. Obviously these vets are not up to date on what a virus is vs. a bacterium.

Make sure to preach not to give the combo shot. Plus tell your people that they do not need to have the puppy in those kinds of conditions until AFTER 6 months of age. That is generally when we tell our hunters that are training their puppies to have them in the dirty river/ponds/lakes.

Re: Strangles and seasons?

My litters don't get their vaccines until almost 8 weeks and I never ever do Lepto. We had to wait to give ANY vaccines to the puppies.