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Notes to Wendy McNaughton

I have a suggestion for you guys who are too far or did not get your entries in or whatever reason you have--- I told you we would be having some sign up get well cards to send to Wendy McNaughton available at our shows.
Well one person on this list has a very legitimate excuse for not not being there-- the lives in Australia but still wanted to send get well wishes. I am arranging to send your wishes along with our cards. Just send them to me in a separate attachment and they will be included.
What a great way to stay connected and send positive thoughts. many don't know Wendy but I am sure every wish and prayer will be appreciated.

Irene is just getting its major impact on us right now but we will have dodged the brunt of it and our show grounds should have nice lawn like rings.

Not posted yet but starting times are 9AM on Sunday and 8:30 on Sunday.
