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5 weeks pregnant, blood discharge

I have a bitch who is 5 weeks pregnant, and just got over a GI upset that seemed to go through the house. She had only two low doses of Tylan powder 2 weeks ago, and sort of normalized, at which point vet said to go to bland diet and probiotics only. Gradually, stools improved. She is starting to barely show, has the clear perfumey pregnancy gel discharge, but I found little drops of blood this morning. I cannot find where it is coming from after checking all toes and vulva and anal area. She is otherwise normal. It appears to have stopped.

Suggestions? Rule outs? Why on a holiday weekend when I have to steward at a show? (None of my dogs are going near a show right now.)


Re: 5 weeks pregnant, blood discharge

I had this happen to one of my girls at 5 weeks , she was looking larger and looked like she decompressed overnight. She had a few drops of blood and an otherwise normal discharge. I was afraid she was resorping the litter. My repro vet told me to just wait it out, nothing I could do. She did start to gain in size and went on to have 7 puppies,and there were an additional 2 that had mummified, so most likely as these died it caused the bleeding.

Re: 5 weeks pregnant, blood discharge

Check her progesterone and make sure it isn't dropping.

Re: 5 weeks pregnant, blood discharge

Wow, same thing just happen to me..Bitch started with drops of dark red at 5 weeks. Vet put her on meds but she still had a discharge for a week..Then just cleared up..Whelped at 8weeks (c-sections) 4 live puppies two mummified pups...