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3 door dog crate


I have a poll for you guys. I recently purchased a new 42 inch 3 door dog crate made by Precision Pet. I know there is a lot of crate discussion in the archives on different crates. I usually buy Midwest crates, but with the great reviews on the Precision Crates, thought I would get a Precision Pet this time. Here's the thing, the old 3 door model had 2 end doors and a side door. This new model has 1 end door, a side door, and a top door. I can't see how I would use a top door on a 30 inch high/42 inch long crate ... unless I have bionic arms that get really long and are really strong. What is everyone's opinion? I have been back and forth with Precision Customer Service about the new design. They are willing to refund me and take the crate back if I decide that this crate isn't suitable for me. It is an Elite Great Crate with polycarbonate quiet links and an attractive copper hammertone finish. Just want to give them some input on the design and wondering if other owners of large dogs find that a door on top is not of much use and a 2nd end door would be a better design. Thanks.

Re: 3 door dog crate

I think that the top door would be good for puppies maybe? You could reach in and lift one out without the rest escaping. Just a thought.

Re: 3 door dog crate

The only three door Precision Great Crates I can find on their website are those that I have and love. That being said, as much as I love the top opening crates in sizes up to 36 inch for puppies, I can't see how I would use a top door 42 inch crate for anything other than checking ear tape on maybe a Dobie or Dane puppy--and I wouldn't crop ears if I had the breed! I love my Sterling Great crates, even if they are heavy. I would love a 30 inch one with a top door, but not a gigunda one with a top door!
Do you have a site showing the crates? I certainly hope that they bring back the Sterling 3-door ones soon. The pans from Precision are so much better than the flimsy ones from MidWest, as are the latches, etc.

I have been very happy with my 2 door General Cage crates, too.

Re: 3 door dog crate

Here is a link to the website Precision referred me to when I purchased the crate. Precision Pet's customer care response is below. Customer service has been excellent.

I’m not sure why the decision was made to move the door to the top. Customer Service was told the Elite crate was the replacement for the sterling Deluxe Great Crate. No one in our department had a clue the door was relocated. This product just came out and we have yet to get all the specifications regarding wire spacing, door size, door placement, etc. All of our crates have the new locking door design, but only the Elite crate has the “Quiet Links” polycarbonate fasteners. The Deluxe Great Crate has been discontinued and we have absolutely zero stock available. Unfortunately we don’t build custom crates. I have forwarded your comments to our Product Development Department for review. Maybe if they get enough feedback, they will make some design changes to the crate. Go ahead and use the crate for a couple of weeks and if at that time you decide to return it, I will make sure you get a full refund. Let me know if you have any additional questions.

Best regards,

Kelly Victor, Customer Care

Re: 3 door dog crate

I can't see which way the top door opens on the site Theresa sent. I don't know if it would even be functional from the front or not. I couldn't reach a water bowl or bucket in a 42 inch one from the top. My dogs have to learn to stay when I open a crate when we are traveling. Rescues, that might be something different--they might bolt at first. I agree that the top door makes little sense in anything bigger than a 36 inch one, and even that is pushing it for most women.

Re: 3 door dog crate


The door latches are towards the front end door and opens toward the back of the crate (long enough to bump the wall behind the crate). I am 5'4" and standing from the front can just barely reach my fingers down to the crate pan in the center of the top door, but cannot reach all the way to the front area and not even remotely close to the back of the crate. Standing on the side, I can reach around a bit better, but can't get more than the tips of my fingers down there. I don't know if I would actually be able to safely lift a pup out of there. Maybe get a water bowl down when standing on the side, but not when having to open it from the front of the crate. Hopefully Precision will consider designing another 3 door crate with the 3rd door on the other end again, this way if one is up against a wall sideways or lengthwise, I can still access the crate from at least 2 doors so I won't have to crawl in there.

Re: 3 door dog crate

I like the door on the top for my home crates. You can reach in and out easily to refill water pails, and more importantly you can pick up food bowls even when your dog has shoved them to the far back corner. I hate having to get on my knees and reach to the back of a crate, or having to lift one side of the crate in the air so the toy, bone, or bowl slides to the front.

For car crates I prefer the crates with a door on the side and on each end.