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zoom groom

I have just tried this for the first time-I notice it takes out hairs that a shed blade misses-is this how this tool is suppose to work? I'm hoping I'm not "pulling" hairs out of the coat. Does anyone suggest a different brushing tool?

Re: zoom groom

I was using a shedding blade for years, but with the dead hair also came lots of skin! Upon recommendation from my vet, I began using the Zoom Groom. I've been hooked ever since!

Re: zoom groom

Love the zoom groom. It really gets all the dead coat out without damaging hair. I also use it when I have to give dogs a bath - they love it!

Re: zoom groom

The Zoom Groom just reaches deeper into the coat than a shedding blade. A big plus is I haven't met a dog yet who didn't like a Zoom Groom (or a rubber curry comb). I have a Zoom Groom with the bath stuff, and another one with the day to day grooming stuff.

Re: zoom groom

It works like the red curry brush I use for the horses. I find the zoom groom on the dogs goes a little deeper due to the length of the rubber teeth. I don't need that on a horse.

I'm pleased with it. You're not taking out coat that shouldn't come out. I use it instead of the curry that looks like this but the zoom has longer rubber teeth. I've put the curry and zoom side by side.

Now compare and see the depth of the teeth of the zoom groom. There's more length to them.

Rubber won't rip out coat. My dogs seem to find it massaging which can assist in having hair follicles stimulated, blood supply enhanced and it *can* produce new coat when it's ready to appear.

[Borrowed images.]

Re: zoom groom

I own a grooming shop and we all LOVE the zoom groom! We sell quite a large number of them as well. I use mine on clients so much that I've worn it down to nubs!! I highly recommend the zoom groom.