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Cancellation Notices to folks

Please don't shoot the messenger here.

We asked MB-F to notify those folks entered via e-mail if one was listed or snail mail. I believe the e-mail went out within 1 hour from the time we go the AKC approval-- of course snail mail would have been delivered this week.

I received a very nasty e-mail from an exhibitor who says he was not notified.
I need to know if indeed this has happened to any of you as we are being charged by MB-F for each of these notifications.

This is not to stir anything up--- please.

Also about refunds-- again no rotten tomatoes here. If you read behind every premium you will see under entry fees the statement of no refund will be made. We are taking this at face value for now. We have bills to pay, some air flights could not be changed, AKC wants their cut of the action even though no show and of course we have MB-F to pay. I'm not sure if we have loss our deposit for the tents. Thankfully the deposits sent for the Porta Potties and dumpsters will be refunded and our ambulance and police will not charge. Sooooo after we pay the bills the club will be meeting to see how we can have an equitable refuind to folks. It can't be the whole thing but something back. Please be patient-- we don't even have our reconciliation from MB-F, we don't know who was coming so this will take time.

So if you were not notified or have any ideas on equitable refunding- let me know privately-- this is not something for list discussion.

It was sunny here today. And maybe, just maybe with a little more cooperation from the town, we could have held the show. It saddens me to think about it.


Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

WE SHOULD TELL OUR FRIENDS AND OTHER BREEDERS should be the message just in case their snail mail didn't work Jean?

Don't harp on how the show *might* have been able to take place, you'll only upset others. I'm sure the ground is still soaked and a decision had to be made at that time, not today.

Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

Cancellations are, unfortunately, going to happen from time to time. It has happened to me before and I never got any type of refund, full of partial. I remember the 1st time it happened to me, I was a little miffed, "how dare they keep my money", but then I came to my senses.

And now, I always think that my cancellation money as a little donation to the Kennel Club for all their hard work in trying to put the show together.

Personally, I would not sweat the refund part.


Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

Mike I like your attitude. Some of the private e-mails I have received have been down right nasty.

I let it roll off my back- have to

I'm just interested if people were not notified because we pay for that and if it did not happen, then I need to let MB-F know that.

And for the individual who says I'm harping on what could have been-- it is true-- Had the town given us a time line rather then keep pushing us off and not making any concessions for the emergency we were forced into making a decision involving a number of you. But we were not the priority and as it should have been, after all they had a hamlet that the governor said was one of the worst he had seen. With limited resources those folks came first even though we like to think the world resolves around us.

I'm just glad I don't have to field the calls from the big circuit of Somerset and Westchester. I think I would take the phone off the hook and unplug the computer.

Thanks Mike, it is attitude like yours that keeps show chairs and club presidents sane.


Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

I feel the same way as Mike! It takes a year of planning and spending money to put on a show. People have to be paid for services requested by the club during the show preparation so I wouldn't even think that exhibitors would be refunded at all. Let's just hope for a fabulous weekend for next years show and pray that everyone is in good health!

Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

I never received a notice of the cancellation. I knew about it because of the Forum. My groups of friends and I were able to make arrangements with the place we were going to stay to transfer our reservations to next year. So the only $$$ we are out are the entry fees. I understand why the club can't refund. The PRLRC shows are coming up in 2 weeks, and I've always been aware that it's hurricane season and stuff happens. This year especially has been really tough weatherwise. See you next year!

Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

I have to assume you were entered.

This is the constructive responses I am looking for. Now with a name we can research and see what happened in an obvious breakdown of the system.

Now had you entered on line or regular mailed entry. That could make a difference but with your help we can improve things for all.

Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

I entered online, and received my judging schedules and numbers in the mail.

Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

Then I apologize-- you were to be notified.

I don't know how they generate notices but obviously there was a kink with yours and unfortunately probably with some others. They were under the gun because it was late Friday afternoon when AKC gave approval and then we had long holiday weekend. We all wanted it timely so people could cancel motels which up here some of them have a 7 days cancellation policy. Had we waited until Tuesday people would have also loss hotel monies.

I don't want to rehash things-- all I need is a private e-mail ( you just click on that little box) and send me your name and how you had entered- also do you bother to put an e-mail on your entry form. If they have no e-mail on your account, then don't expect an e-mail notice.

I hope you all have a good day. Some of us who would be starting to do the last minute preparations have decided to get together and work with our dogs.

We would have had a color guard today in remembrance of 9/11-- maybe instead of complaining about things we can take a minute and place our inconvenience in perspective

flooding in area roads, Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

Jeanne and all other club members and exhibitors,

I cannot speak to the conditions in New England, or in Somerset County NJ, today. I do know that on Thursday in the area of NJ surrounding the North Branch Park, my husband spent hours on detour after detour that ended up suddenly being another detour, with traffic having to back track to the previously closed road, such as Rt 206, with no seeming way to higher ground. He didn't get home until 4.5 hours after leaving work early, with waters rising and suddenly closing roads. Even the policemen were perplexed and unable to direct them out of the area, to main interstates, such as Rt 78 or Rt 287. The GPS was useless in that situation. Finally, a local helped out the lines of traffic and showed them a cut through to some of the other highways.

So clubs did the best they could with the information you were given. I think it is great that you are considering refunding a portion of the entry fees not needed to pay the pressing bills. No, I was not entered in either cluster, but I just give my point of view.

flooding in area roads, Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

I juts can't believe that you came here to post this, after you attacked Darcy for posting to let people know the show was cancelled, last week on this forum.

I feel that the more people know a show is cancelled, either through notice from the super, a forum like this, or breeder friends, the better.

I know you are looking for justification, but let it go now please!

flooding in area roads, Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

I found it very sad that the JUDGES were not told until way after the exhibitors had emails from MBF!
I know both judges and was shocked they had to ask ME if the show was cancelled because they heard a rumor!
Now that's sad

flooding in area roads, Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

For your information. Judges letter were sent out as soon as possible - my two replacement judges for Sunday were notified once I got off the phone with MB-F which was right after getting off the phone with AKC.

Now maybe you want my job since you seem to have all the answers.

I am not going to stoop to you guys who want to raise the dust bowl again.

Apparently there was some breakdonw in how MB-F got to some of you and not to others. Now if you don't want me to try to figure this out for the future then it is quite easy-- I just want accept these e-mails that from some of you are down right nasty.

And what I heard today may be an even more bitter pill. The town fathers don't know where they are going to get the $$ to repair this field. So instead of whining about my one faux pas post when everything was coming down- right to the town, write to the chamber-- let them know how much money you drop on a weekend in No. Conway.

BTW-- every e-mail back from judges has been nothing but courteous. I only have one judge that has not responded but then again there was a few e-mails sent to this judge that was not replied to. You know I could have asked MB-F not to send the notice out until Tuesday -- that would have given me more time -- remember there are not just labs at this show so there were lots of notices that had to go out and most judges are not home on a Friday-- they are out judging so I heard from most of them on Monday. I had as much of an obligation to the exhibitors-- all of them-- as to the judges.

flooding in area roads, Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

Get past this already -- it's over! Stop re-hashing and move on! Next year will be better! Gosh -- PRLRC is coming up and the National -- this is history -- although unfortunate -- but put it behind you!

flooding in area roads, Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

thank you

flooding in area roads, Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

A few years ago a 4 day circuit was cancelled in NYS due to severe flooding. Handlers and others were already there getting set up for the show when the flash flooding began. At first some of us thought maybe we would get a break on the following year's entries, but over time we realized why we couldn't. Mother nature happens. It's better that shows get cancelled ahead of time when bad weather is expected, or the grounds are unsafe. All should be thankful we have this great way to communicate so quickly and get the word out. Just verify what you hear, or see to be sure.

flooding in area roads, Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

I was entered and was not notified by MBF at all. I only knew of it du to this forum. I did notify a person who was supposed to meet me there. I was told by some one that MBF only notifies those that are members of their orginization. Many are, i am not.

Hope to be there next year.

flooding in area roads, Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

That sounds bizarre-- Yes you can "belong" and then get a discount on your entries but that just does not sound correct.

I have not called MB-F yet-- hopefully a free moment this afternoon- but I will get to the bottom of this.

Today I just got what would have been our catalog and it always something to see all those labs entered. And some new faces--

For those of you who were not notified, please check your spam folder or gray mail. It is interesting what ends up there. They say we should check that rather routinely as some stuff you want can end up there and is not Spam or a threat to your computer.

After I talk with MB-F- I can update folks.

Re: Cancellation Notices to folks

I entered the shows via snail mail and received a cancellation notice from MB-F on the 2nd via email.