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Spay with C-section or not

I have a girl that is having her last litter by c-section this week, I was wondering weather I should go ahead & have her spayed at the same time so that she does not have to go through another surgery after she is done with the puppies. She just turned 6 if that helps.
I am just looking for information from others as to what they have done. She will be spayed just trying to determine when.

Re: Spay with C-section or not

My vets refuse to do both a c-section and spay at the same time - they believe it is too dangerous for the bitch.

Re: Spay with C-section or not

My repro vet prefers not too unless it's absolutely necessary as it is just so highly vascular and so much more risky that only if the uterus is torn beyond safely being repaired will they spay at the same time. She did ask to spay one of my girls after a csection who was 6 years old and it was her last litter, but only because she had a really thick adhesion that would have prevented the uterus from going back to normal position, it would have been very uncomfortable as it pulled on her abdomen, so I agreed.
That said another no repro vet whom I no longer bring my dogs to their clinic it's a routine thing for them to offer(actually they highly encourage/push it) to spay during a c section.When I asked them why when it is so risky they said that they thought bitches that needed a c section should be spayed.

Re: Spay with C-section or not

Just had the same situation with a girl the same age, but I chose not to do it. I did it once and would never do it again unless I had to. The recouperation is much harder on them having both procedures performed. My vet agrees and says that with a C he can be in and out in a very short period of time, but with a spay especially on an older dog who has had litters it takes MUCH more time and is harder on the dog. The only time I did it was with a ruptured uterus.

Re: Spay with C-section or not

Thank you guys for sharing. I was already leaning toward waiting. I do not want to risk losing her she is my heart dog!

Re: Spay with C-section or not

I just went thru this decision process with an emergency c-section a couple of weeks ago.

My girl is 6, it's her last litter and my repo vet took the same position, he refused to the spay with the c-section.

Re: Spay with C-section or not

It is a tougher surgery to do spay at the same time. Some Vets do not want to do it, as dogs tend to bleed more... That being said, some bitches have a hard time lactating if they were spayed. If you do decide to spay at the same time, make sure you get her on Reglan for the first two weeks post surgery.

Reglan is an anti-vomit drug, but the side effect (or benefit in this case) is milk production. It's safe and used in people who deliver preemie babies when they haven't had their milk come in. It also settles their tummies a bit.


Leslee Pope

Re: Spay with C-section or not

I had a four year old girl that was delivering her second litter, had 2 pups naturally, but they were so big and she as so tired we opted to section her. I asked my vet about spaying her beings she was open, which we chose to do. She recovered just fine and nursed her litter without issues.

I had a girl who I had to section a few months later due to a singleton and she had a harder time recovering from the section than did the girl that was spayed.

Re: Spay with C-section or not

I always leave it up to my vet, but if we're doing a section and it's the last litter, I prefer not to put them under again, so if they can spay without any additional risk, then that's what they've done. I too have never had a problem with milk production or recovery.

Do what you and your vet are comfortable with.

Re: Spay with C-section or not

My bitch had to go through c-section 4 days ago... and I asked if they would spay her at the same time, and they refused to do it. Told me the best time to do it was when the pups where at about 4 months old or so...

Re: Spay with C-section or not

I Did
I had a four year old girl that was delivering her second litter, had 2 pups naturally, but they were so big and she as so tired we opted to section her. I asked my vet about spaying her beings she was open, which we chose to do. She recovered just fine and nursed her litter without issues.

I had a girl who I had to section a few months later due to a singleton and she had a harder time recovering from the section than did the girl that was spayed.

WOW I just had the same experience with my bitch. She had 2 pups naturally but they where very big and she was very tired that we opted to section on her as well!

Re: Spay with C-section or not

I don't personally know anyone who has lost a bitch with just a spay, but know of three bitches that were lost due to c-section spays. That is in addition to bitches that had serious complications that meant they couldn't take care of their litters. The risk is MUCH higher for a number of reasons related to pregnancy.

Re: Spay with C-section or not

My bitch had to go through c-section 4 days ago... and I asked if they would spay her at the same time, and they refused to do it. Told me the best time to do it was when the pups where at about 4 months old or so...

I spay 3-4 mo.'s after a last litter if my bitch is in excellent shape. She then becomes a couch potato.

I have basic bloodwork done 3 days prior to the spay to be absolutely sure she's up to having surgery. If your bitch had a c section, I would wait another cycle but I haven't had that happen with any of my girls. I know what I would do, give her a nice, long chance to recover.

Original Poster; Don't do a c section and spay at the same time. It's entirely too much time in the OR and too much blood loss for your girl. Those that have done it and had it work out were plain lucky. A good vet-surgeon won't do it.