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Age and height table?

Possibly there is a general growth table?

If anyone has any insight of how big a boy should be at 12 months, examples of how much they can grow and how old they are when they actually stop growing I would really value the information.

Thank you very much!

Re: Age and height table?

I've got a Magic 8 ball I can sell you cheap, maybe that will help.

Re: Age and height table?

I am not sure that would help. It would just say it isn't looking promising.

Re: Age and height table?

Unfortunately, that's about it though. You can look at both parents, their size, history of how fast/slow they grew, see if there was a similar breeding between pedigrees to gauge your boy against to see if he's ON target or not.

But even all the percentiles your parents may have been given by the pediatrician when you were a baby only gauges a baby compared to other babies at that age. If a child is 2' tall at x months, doesn't tell you if it will be 5'8" or 6'8".

Same with dogs.

I have watched litters from the same mother grown at different rates, develop at different rates. Dad's genes play into it.

I would image what you see at 7-10 months is going to be close HEIGHT wise to what you are going to end up with.

Re: Age and height table?

Actually you can with babies. When they are 2 years old, you can measure how tall they are and double it with 2 I think and the outcome is more likely to be how tall they will be when full grown.