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age-related incontinent dog

my old boy is 13 years, he has had incontinent issues for past year while asleep, but lately he is dribbling as he walks as well.
Is there any herbal supplements that can help him out?

Re: age-related incontinent dog

I know that some people use Proin for female spay incontinence with success, but I have no experience with it, and I do not know if it will work for the boys. I am sure you could consult with your veterinarian for more information on that, or herbal supplementation.

I have successfully used Belly Bands in the past for one of my old guys that dribbled a little.

There are several manufacturers of Belly Bands, this is just the first link I Googled that had good pictures, so you could get the idea. Best of luck!

Re: age-related incontinent dog

I don't know of anything herbal that will help but when our old girl started having the same problem, we put her on Stilbestrol (sp?) and it worked wonderfully.

Re: age-related incontinent dog

You could try cornsilk tea. I used to make my own by pouring boiling water over the corn-silks and letting it steep for 5 minutes.

There is also something called "Tinkle Tonic" that you could Google. I believe that is made with herbs.

I used Proin (Phenylpropanolamine) with great success. It works by tightening up the splincter muscles. I was home all day to let my girl out often, so I was able to give her one pill with her supper to get her through the night.

BTW I also put up the water bowl at 7 pm.

I recently talked to a Boxer breeder who was on the point of putting a dog down because he was skin and bones, wasting away and water would go right through him. There was a delay with the vet appt. as both were busy. During that time, she happened to find some doggie diapers on sale and tried them on him. It saved his life! She can only assume that he didn't like the wet diaper and tried to hold it some more. He became re-hydrated and is still with her, 7 years later!

Re: age-related incontinent dog

Depending on what is causing the incontinence, there are actually quite a few herbal remedies, acupuncture points, etc... Saw palmetto, for instance, can help with some prostatic disease, etc. I hope you can find something that works for him!

Re: age-related incontinent dog

I have heard of people using soy milk with success.(as long as the dog can tolerate soy)

I believe it is 1/2 cup per day.

Good luck finding what works for your boy.

Re: age-related incontinent dog

Has this boy been neutered? If not you may want to. Prostatitis can cause these symptoms and truly the only cure is neutering.

Re: age-related incontinent dog

thanks for all the leads, I am researching and will talk to my repro vet about options.

No he is not neutered, he was an active stud up to the age of 11 years. I would not consider putting him under the knife at 13 unless it was life threatening.