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Anyone around who can help?

my 16 month old just started her heat cycle a week ago.
Tonight when I got home from work the DH said she was very restless and wanted to go out often the 3 hours I was at work.
While I was eating dinner she had an accident in her crate... I took her temp and it is normal 101.4. There is no odor or discharge from her vulva other than the red from her heat cycle.
She did have a couple of small clots in her urine which I am not accustomed to seeing in my girls... Her appetite is good, spirits good, just restless.
I called my vet but she hasn't answered.... Any thoughts? I think she probably has a UTI along with her heat cycle, but she hasn't had a UTI since she was a puppy.
Ijust want to be sure it couldn't be something I need to get her to the vet for... I looked up pyo in bitches in season and she doesn't seem to fit the description...
I am tempted to give her a Symplecef which we have used for UTI's previously with success, but I am hesitant w/o my vet's approval..

Re: Anyone around who can help?

I wouldn't give her any antibiotics without a diagnosis. If you have given antibiotics, and she has a UTI, by the time you can get a culture, it will not be accurate, because antibiotics are already in her.

I would give her some cranberry caps, maybe 800 to 1600 mgs tonight and again tomorrow morning, and keep it up until you can get her to the Vet's office for a C & S.

Re: Anyone around who can help?

Thanks.. I am out of crancaps and Vit C right now.
I used to have them on hand as I gave the girls crancaps daily.. None have had a UTI in a long time , so I stopped.. I need to get to the store tomorrow.
My vet is off tomorrow, so that also throws a monkey wrench in the mix.... My girl is acting like it's a UTI at this point.. Lots of squatting and some whining as she is trying to void... I don't generally give antibiotics w/o my vet's approval, but I hate to see her so uncomfortable all night long,,, esp where we have treated her in the past successfully with the antibiotic... Why can't these kids get sick when the vets are open? UGH!

Re: Anyone around who can help?

Give her some plain yogurt with active cultures. This really helps with UTI's and won't hurt anything.

Good luck!

Re: Anyone around who can help?

Take her to a vet ASAP. Blood clots in urine is not a good sign. You don't want to mess with a UTI. It can get bad in no time and cause renal failure.