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Vulvar structural abnormality

I have a 19 month old bitch just coming into her second heat. I have been waiting this out to see if a second heat with improve the positioning of her vulva. Normal vulvas are tipped downwards and towards the back. Her's has always been tight up against her body wall - therefore the opening is facing directly downwards. When she stands you don't see her vulva at all, just the swelling of the tissue above it. First heat cycle did nothing to improve the tilt (I know .. I know .. a second one probably won't either). I know the positioning has a name, but I can't remember it to save my life.

Now - what have been peoples experiences in the past? I don't want to keep her as a potential brood bitch if it will be seriously problematic for whelping. She will not have final clearances for a few more months. So I will gauge AI for all potential breedings, but what about whelping? Has anyone had a bitch like this free-whelp or always sections? Just looking for thoughts as I've never had a bitch like this.


Re: Vulvar structural abnormality

Isn't this called an Inverted Vulva ?

Re: Vulvar structural abnormality

No she does not have an inverted vulva - it is a completely normal looking vulva in size and shape - just in the wrong place - it's tucked up under her abdomen instead of in the normal posterior type position. Ex: when she's in heat you can not see it at all when she's standing, you actually have to either lift her leg up to view it or put her on her side/back.

Re: Vulvar structural abnormality

I have some girls vulvas that are very noticeable, we actually tease them about it. But I also have girls with smaller vulva's that you can not see without looking. One of those girls was bred naturally and whelped 11 puppies just fine. I would not be concerned. Good luck and I hope your girl passes all of her clearances.

Re: Vulvar structural abnormality

I'm not concerned because it's smaller as it is the same size as her dams, I'm concerned because of it's position *under* her abdomen instead of in a more rear facing position.

If I can figure out how to paste a picture in here I will later today.

Re: Vulvar structural abnormality

That would be very helpful to get a close up photo. Now I am curious about what you are describing, other than an inverted which most of has seen and bred to with no problems.

Re: Vulvar structural abnormality

My girls that have the small vulvas are underneath them as you describe. You can only their vulva if they are laying on their backs. It is normal for some girls.

Re: Vulvar structural abnormality

And so if it might be normal (can honestly say over 20+ yrs have never seen one tightly up under the abdomen like this) - what are people's findings in relation to breeding / whelping?? I can't see her being able to be bred naturally.

Re: Vulvar structural abnormality

No one but a decent repro vet is going to be able to honestly tell you if it's normal. You want to be sure you can AI your bitch and that whelping should go as normal as any other girl's.

Pictures or not unless for all to see and learn from means nothing. It is best to have a vet experienced in bitch repro anatomy evaluate her. JMHO.

Re: Vulvar structural abnormality

Thanks for all the info guys. I will have to see if I can refer her to a repro specialist then - nearest one is 6 hours one way - ugh...